Disruptive technologies are innovations that arise with the potential to “break” old standards, opening room for new, more efficient and cost-effective processes to be applied to production and provision of services.
The more attentive managers have used them in the day-to-day operation of their business, which allows them to compete with the big names of the market and conquer their own space.
By implementing these technological solutions in sectors such as customer service, internal communication and factory production, managers are given the opportunity to improve the quality of the services provided and reduce their operating costs, which translates into a real gain in profitability.
Would you like to know more about and identify any innovation that suits your company? Keep reading and discover 5 disruptive technologies that will have the most impact on the world market!
1. Chatbots
Customer service is a problem for many companies, as despite the need to provide the service, its costs end up affecting the business’s cash. Chatbots emerged as a means of mitigating this situation.
The technology consists of using a bot, software developed with concepts of artificial intelligence to help customers and provide them with at least the initial service. Since its only costs are development and maintenance costs, this is a more economical solution than hiring employees.
As innovations in this technology occur, bot services become completer and more customized. The use of artificial intelligence and the inclusion of the ability to learn with patterns will, in a few years, make your services even more efficient than those provided by humans.
Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that in the future, call centers shall work with a much smaller number of people. Their activities in this sector will be more aligned with supervising and maintaining bots than with customer service.
2. Virtual Reality (VR)
The concept of virtual reality (VR) basically consists of reproducing our reality or creating a completely new one in virtual means. Although this result has not yet been achieved, a real sensation of immersion can already be experienced with “virtual reality glasses” and powerful sound equipment.
Among the benefits of virtual reality for the productive sector, we can mention the innovation that it can cause in internal communication. It is true that current technology already allows people who are distant from one another to communicate. However, this technology takes communication to another level.
Communication through virtual reality will make communicators feel like they are in the presence of one another, as in a side-by-side conversation, even if they are in opposite places of the world. This level of interaction, much higher than that of a conventional video call, tends to make information exchange more comfortable and effective.
Another practical use for VR in the business environment is the implementation of training. By using this technology, it is possible, for example, to realistically create virtual scenarios of machine operation. This ensures that knowledge is assimilated satisfactorily and eliminates the risk of accidents during training.
3. Virtual Assistants
Nowadays, access to a virtual assistant, capable of facilitating some of our daily processes, is simple. There are a number of smartphone manufacturers already making the system available on their devices.
In the future, however, such technology will be implemented in production processes and increase the efficiency with which they are performed. Virtual assistants, connected to ERP systems of companies and machine and equipment software, will provide useful information about its operation and performance in real time.
Following the guidelines provided by the assistants, employees will be able to virtually eliminate possible errors and accidents, since its operation will be fully integrated and defined from real-time data taken from the company’s ERP.
4. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
When we talk about disruptive technologies, the one with the greatest impact is probably artificial intelligence (AI). This is because it has the potential to complement and evolve other technologies.
Basically, it acts by recording data, analyzing patterns, and learning from them. This concept allows artificial intelligence, when integrated into a system, to make it more intelligent. We can use chatbots and virtual assistants as an example.
If we combine technology with internet concepts of things and automation, its applications become even greater. An example is the autonomous cars developed by technology giants such as Google. By an artificial intelligence connected to several sensors, these vehicles can move on their own, while still presenting good safety prospects.
If we apply the same notion to production, the factories of the future tend to be more intelligent and autonomous. In this new scenario, human participation will be focused on overseeing the system’s operation and ensuring its maintenance.
5. Cloud Computing
Every day, the various processes and procedures performed by a company generate a huge amount of data. Since this data is used to power ERP systems, its importance is obvious.
Despite this, the costs to maintain and store a server are high. Although it is possible to reduce them by outsourcing the organization’s IT, expenses on equipment and parts cannot be avoided, which tends to be a burden on small businesses.
In this context, cloud storage, also known as Cloud Computing, presents itself as a suitable solution. In a nutshell, the system works as an external server that the company can hire to store its files.
By using technology, small businesses don’t have to build a server. In addition, as this service is often scalable, the company only pays for the storage it actually uses, so that it can increase or decrease the space according to its needs.
Another benefit of technology is that companies that work with it are specialized in data protection and have access to the latest security and backup practices. By opting for ERP software compatible with cloud storage, it is possible to reduce server costs and increase the security of your operation.
An attentive manager, who seeks to keep up to date with the technological innovations with the greatest impact on the market, has the possibility to implement them in their company and enjoy its benefits.
For this reason, it is important for the person in charge of the company to break out of their comfort zone and continue learning about the various means of leveraging their enterprise.
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