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Cost Management
Costs and Expenses Reduction
MyABCM Insights

How can you reduce costs without it having a negative effect on your company?

Frequently reducing costs ends up becoming a necessity for a manager. However, it’s extremely important to know how to do it, because it will, after all, affect your company’s strategies. Contrary to what many think, reducing costs isn’t something bad and doesn’t always involve laying off employees – and it can, even, serve to stimulate greater efficiency in your company.

Want to know how you can reduce costs without having a negative effect on your company, your employees and your working environment? Then read our tips!

Map waste

The first step is identifying where your company is wasting resources. Small expenses, considered insignificant, can represent great savings for your company.

Electricity is a good example of this concept. That’s why you should verify the efficiency of the equipment that you use in your company. Exchanging them for more economic models could be a good investment.

Work with targets

Companies need targets, not just to encourage growth, but also to measure the assertiveness of the decisions taken. When entrepreneurs have to decide how to reduce costs, they need to maintain the strategies that have worked in the past, rather than those that have proved to be mistaken.

A good source of information is evaluating the targets that have (or haven’t) been attained. They will provide you with valuable data.

Improve your training process

Rework is synonymous with losses. If your company has to do a lot of rework, investigate the cause. In many cases, employees haven’t received adequate training and this is why they can’t perform their jobs well, wasting their work time, and in some cases, raw materials.

Instead of beginning a hiring process — which is normally expensive — look at training your current employees. Besides being less expensive, which will contribute to your cost reductions, this initiative can greatly improve your company’s efficiency.

Reevaluate your company’s investments

A good way to discover how to reduce costs is to reevaluate your company’s investments. Many companies have investments that are distant from their area of expertise. In some cases, the rates of return aren’t advantageous and these investments only generate the expenses of maintaining them.

Your company’s investments, besides being safe, should be simple to manage — this way, you’ll save in terms of fees and/or the costs of the professionals responsible for monitoring them.

Seek new suppliers

Besides improving your buying process, meeting with your suppliers can be a way to discover how to reduce costs. In many markets, there’s been an increase in the number of companies that can be considered potential suppliers. Your purchasing department should evaluate the reputation of these companies — as well as delivery logistics and payment timeframes — to know if it’s viable to change a supplier.

The entrepreneur should always be looking for chances to reduce company costs. This attitude normally results in improved company processes and greater financial solidity for your business. It shouldn’t be seen in a negative light, and certainly not associated with layoffs or compromising the quality of your final product.

It’s rather a series of natural and constant advances that can be found in successful companies. It’s necessary for businessmen to keep their business data in an organized and secure form, because this will be fundamental when it comes time to find ways to streamline your company’s processes. Remember: you can’t manage what you can’t measure!

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