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Digital Health: Check out the main benefits it can offer

Technology is so present in the life of society that, nowadays, it is almost impossible for anyone to live without the help of some device, whether fixed or mobile. Responsible for solutions that are improving countless routines, digital health is a reality that has been revolutionizing the sector.

From telemedicine to electronic medical records, technology has been an excellent partner in improving not only the care, but also diagnoses.

Understand what digital health is

As mentioned above, digital health is a segment of medicine that uses technology to achieve greater efficiency in discovering diseases and their treatments.

Thus, it can be used in routine appointments, research, awareness and reduction of errors in all processes involving care, whether preventive or curative.

In addition, the use of technologies is clearly in tune with the adoption of better practices, reducing costs and improving the quality of services provided, whether in a hospital, laboratory or medical clinic.

As a result, actions become more precise and are totally in line with health promotion.

Understand the differences with healthcare digitalization

The difference between digital health and digitalization is very simple. While the former is understood by the use of technologies in procedures, the latter is the transcription of the sheets of paper to the computer screen.

Thus, the old medical records are digitized by photographs or scanners, inserting the data into files that are much more secure within a system.

Therefore, digital health is a complement to digitalization, as a lot of information is still on paper and needs to be entered into software to help improve the management and care.

Learn about the benefits of digital health

As it can be used in diagnoses, care, self-monitoring, education and provision of remote services such as telemedicine, digital health is an advancement that brings countless benefits to society. Check out some that we’ve selected especially for you.

More accurate diagnosis

The technology has revolutionized diagnosis, increasing the rate of correct diagnoses by using electronic medical records.

With them, it is possible to unify information in the system, safely storing data, which are also essential to assist in decision-making.

As the medical record provides details about the patient’s life and symptoms, it is possible to find out the type of disease and its respective treatments more precisely.

In order to maintain the quality throughout the process, the tip is to always choose systems that have a certification from the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM – Conselho Federal de Medicina, in Portuguese), meeting all the criteria needed to maintain quality.

Ongoing monitoring

The technology is capable of using the data contained in the system to constantly monitor a patient’s status.

With the internet of things (IoT), it is possible to use biosensors in the diagnosis, that is, the advancement prevents the person from going to the hospital or clinic.

It is an excellent way to carry out important follow-ups in the prevention of serious issues, such as measuring glucose by portable means, storing the information in the cloud – in other words, the doctor will have the details of the patient’s evolution in real time.

Process automation

Whether in a clinic or hospital, management software integrates all the information in the same system, which means that the digital health guides the procedures.

Thus, data on cash flow, as well as those referring to patients, will be just a click away, requiring only a login and password.

In addition, the automation greatly contributes to the relationship with health insurance providers and service providers.

This is because communication becomes more agile, avoiding several errors such as disallowance of hospital accounts. Another fundamental point is that the system helps to optimize the authorization of appointments and procedures.

Proximity to patients

Digital health has self-service systems, strengthening the relationship with patients. It is an advantage that brings practicality, increasing the degree of satisfaction.

Another favorable point is the integration, optimizing time and reducing costs – in other words, the benefits are for both parties involved in the process.

Learn how to implement digital health

The first tip for you to implement digital health in your company is to analyze the IT service providers, knowing what the reality of your clinic is, and what is needed to improve processes.

Analyze whether the provider has credibility in the market and success stories, in addition to professionals duly trained to make digital health revolutionize the day-to-day in your business.

See how this investment has a guaranteed return? Do you want to learn more advantages of automation? Then read this article and learn how to adopt it!

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