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Kaizen method: do you know this methodethodology?

Have you heard of the Kaizen Method? Basically, it is a concept that emerged in Japan, shortly after World War II, by internationalist Masaaki Imai. His main goal was to create a methodology that would help restructure the country’s economy. For this reason, Kaizen is a philosophy that values the search for constant improvement, as the term means “change for the better”.

In this context, the main function of the Kaizen method is to encourage the manager to make changes that will actually provide improvements for the company in the short, medium and long term. Therefore, human resources are considered, by this concept, the most important. After all, your employees will be primarily responsible for putting this philosophy into practice.

That is, regardless of the technological resources or the amount of investment that the company has, it is necessary to have a team engaged and committed to generating good results. With that in mind, we have prepared this content to explain to you how this method works in practice and how to use it to reduce costs and promote improvements in the company. Check it out!

How does the Kaizen method work?

As we mentioned, the Kaizen method is a philosophy that advocates for the execution of constant changes with the goal of promoting improvements in your production system. Thus, it is necessary to set quality and measurement standards in order to guarantee the standardization of your processes.

To get the best results, the Kaizen philosophy needs to be implemented together with the 5S Methodology. This method has the main purpose of ensuring the organization of the company at different structural levels through simple actions that are determined by five basic principles:

  • seiri (sense of use): separates what is useful from what is not;
  • seiton (sense of organization): values the organization of the space;
  • seiso (sense of cleanliness): values the hygiene of the space and the good presentation of employees;
  • seiketsu (sense of standardization): establishes rules to ensure that the first three principles are put into practice;
  • shitsuke (sense of discipline): offers support for employees so that they keep carrying the values learned with the first four principles.

How can the Kaizen methodology be used by companies?

The first step to guarantee that the methodology works is to ensure that all your employees are in line with the new philosophy of the company. After that, Kaizen can be implemented in three corporate areas: administration, team management and personnel management. The results will be seen in the following aspects:

  • quality: all the company’s activities, such as product development, service provision and even the work environment, are improved with the implementation of the Kaizen method;
  • cost: undoubtedly, one of the advantages of the method is a significant reduction in company expenses;
  • productivity: with a well-organized environment and a committed team, an increase in productivity will be seen in a matter of time;
  • delivery: contributes to time optimization, thus allowing agility in deliveries;
  • safety: provides better working conditions, thus ensuring the safety of employees.

Therefore, the Kaizen method is, without a doubt, a great investment, as it can be implemented in any business model. In addition, it offers advantages such as increased competitiveness, the creation of positive habits, the appreciation of personal and professional values, and even more efficiency and agility. For this reason, it is worth considering the use of this methodology in order to promote your company’s development.

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