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Cost Management
Costs and Expenses Reduction
MyABCM Insights

MyABCM in the management of Sicoob Cocred

With 30 branches in the state of São Paulo, Sicoob’s Cocred Credit Union is a reference in management, governance and quality in customer service, certified with ISO 9001. The organization has the best rating in the credit union ranking and constantly invests in its data center, obtaining solid results and ensuring the security of its members’ investments.

Focused on quality, Cocred offers excellent banking services for different customer profiles, from individuals and companies to agribusiness. With this broad portfolio of solutions and a net worth that went from $ 745.9 million in December to $ 751.8 million in June, Sicoob chose MyABCM to manage the costs and profitability of the Credit Union, which is the second largest in the System.

The organization’s project leader and Accounting Manager, Allan Roberto Canalle, told us about making this important strategic decision: “We chose MyABCM because it is the market leader and has experience in financial institutions and credit unions”.

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