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My Banking (Digital Banking)

Solution focused on banking services and institutions linked to the financial sector.

My Banking is a solution focused on the financial sector, with an emphasis on the banking sector, which provides the mapping and management of all cost processes across different scenarios. It is able to identify the trail of costs and segregate them at all the points needed for analytical study and, consequently, the coherent allocation of all costs involved in the different core business stages. It allows tracking the costs in all the weights that may exist, determining their allocation by sector, product segment, bank branches, customers and focus areas, generating efficiency in the product and service pricing processes.

My Professional Services​

Solution focused on audit, consulting, and integrating companies.

My Professional Services is a customized solution for consulting and audit companies, as well as for professional service companies in general. It enables the accurate mapping of operating costs as a whole, understanding how business and support processes contribute to the profitability by services, projects, customers, offices and businesses in general. It also allows drawing scenarios and understanding the impact of idleness on the operation, as well as the cooperation of each Head/Partner, Leader, Manager and the entire hierarchy up to the bottom line.

With My Professional Services, it is possible to centralize information from accounting sources, consultants’ notes, CRM and other peripheral systems in an intelligent modeling that will generate powerful insights and reports for decision-making and more efficient business management.