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With 90 years of history and six production lines in its two factories, Sevam is a world leader in glass manufacturing. To optimize cost management for its extensive portfolio, which caters to large industries in different countries, the Moroccan company chose MyABCM as the solution to replace the previous software, which was discontinued.

Extending an already long success story with the help of cost management

Throughout its 9 decades of consolidation in the market, Sevam has acquired customers from all over the world and today exports its products to 12 countries. Among the global organizations served by the products of the Moroccan industry are giants like Coca-Cola, Nestlé, and Pepsi.

To supply the glass packaging needs of these and other major brands, Sevam operates with a diversified portfolio and has one plant dedicated solely to producing this merchandise. This industrial plant alone produces 400 million items per year, including bottles, jars, and jugs, which are exported to different countries.

The second plant, on the other hand, operates exclusively in the production of domestic glassware, such as ornamented glasses, bowls, and lampshades. The production lines dedicated to these products manufacture produces 120 million items annually.

With a focus on excellent customer service and sustainable operations, managing the production of a diversified portfolio that is distributed worldwide is a challenge that requires sophisticated tools. For this reason, Sevam recognized MyABCM as a tool with the potential for profitability and continue growth.

Consolidated management of multiple cost centers in a single environment

Sevam needed not only a system that could provide optimal cost control functionality, but also an implementation process that would optimize the costing model and centralize its multiple sources of information.

MyABCM was chosen for its ability to provide detailed information for each business activity, while integrating with other company systems, offering consolidated reports and scenario simulation. With these features, among many others, the industry will be able to continue investing in new fronts of activity and safety solutions for its employees and sustainability for its region without compromising its results in the medium and long term.

Learn more about the features of MyABCM. Request a demo in the form below.

Providing sanitation and electricity to hundreds of thousands of people is no simple task. But it is the mission that Radees has taken on in Morocco, serving several communities with urban infrastructure solutions essential to the quality of human life.

Responsible for the distribution of drinking water and energy, Radees has just signed a contract to use the MyABCM solution in its cost and profitability management. Assisting in the software implementation process, the renowned consulting and auditing company BDO will be a strategic partner in the project.

Management aligned to the responsibility of serving people

With not only a corporate but a social commitment to provide quality drinking water and energy to over 300,000 people, the organization needed a tool to visualize the costs associated with managing miles of infrastructure equipment. Therefore, MyABCM is the chosen software to visualize the multiple sources of costs and the possible impacts of making decisions before subjecting hundreds of thousands of people to them.

The version of the software selected to serve the company offers features for flexible and intuitive multidimensional modeling with a relatively low implementation time. The system will allow allocations to be made through clear visual representations and with the application of business rules at various levels of complexity to allocate values from sources to destinations.

The organization will also benefit from advanced cost-tracking solutions that control resource consumption and pass-through to customers, as well as model summaries that allow potential distortions to be identified quickly and corrected before they damage business results.

To learn more about the solutions that serve Radees and other large companies distributed in more than 50 countries, contact us! Use the form below.

Managing 230,000 hectares of agricultural land across 6 different business operations in 3 countries is no easy feat. This is why Adecoagro turned to MyABCM for solutions to optimize management, control costs, and increase profitability.

Expanding a history of growth through cost management

With over two decades of experience, Adecoagro cultivates more than just raw materials for different markets; it also cultivates a long history of growth. The company, which was founded in 2002, started its operations with 70,000 hectares of agricultural and livestock production in Argentina.

In 2004, it expanded its plantation by incorporating new lands outside its country of origin, reaching Brazil and Uruguay. In 2005, the company increased its product line by implementing the production of sugar, ethanol, and energy. With its great evolution, in 2011 Adecoagro was listed on the NY Stock Exchange (NYSE). A major achievement that reaffirms the company’s enormous value.

Today, Adecoagro’s main operations include sugar, ethanol, energy, milk, rice, and grain production. It produced 2.7 million tons of agricultural products and more than 1 million MWh of bioelectricity. Throughout its history, Adecoagro’s planting area has increased by over 200% and its focus on growth and excellence in management has led to 2021 revenues surpassing US$1 billion.

Reducing the complexity of a multinational business

Adecoagro continues to surpass its expectations each year. To further drive its growth, the company’s management team has decided to invest in technology to achieve complete transparency and traceability of costs, advanced business simulation capabilities, and most importantly, independence and autonomy!

It is in this scenario that MyABCM will operate. Adecoagro chose our solution to enhance its cost management processes, which were previously performed with difficulty using another tool and could no longer keep pace with the complexities of such a dynamic organization. With full integration with corporate systems, MyABCM will bring several key benefits to the company, including:

This will provide management with a clearer understanding of how costs are distributed throughout the company’s complex operations, from suppliers and distribution channels to other critical aspects of its business. The result will be much greater decision-making capacity and reduced risks, as well as increased profitability of its operations, paving the way for new investments.

Want to learn more about how MyABCM can provide detailed cost control for companies with highly complex structures? Request a Demo today!

Today, we have everything tied up with MyABCM: understanding the main business dimensions, analysis of individual targets… I can say that without MyABCM, it would be extremely difficult today to manage the organization with the agility that it demands.

Jullian Soares
Quatá Foods


With 30 years of history, Quatá, a dairy products manufacturer, impresses with its potential and speed of growth. The company, founded in 1990 in the countryside of São Paulo, started its operations with only 16 employees and a processing capacity of 3,000 liters of milk per day. Today, the company is responsible for more than 1,600 jobs and has a production capacity of around 1.1 million liters of milk a day. The industrial plant has expanded and currently six factories are producing the various goods in the industry’s portfolio, which includes dry and refrigerated lines among cheeses, kinds of milk, creams, zero lactose options, and specialty cheeses.


The challenges of a booming business

Growth is undoubtedly one of the greatest goals of any business. However, it is a process that brings with it great challenges. And for Quatá it was no different. The company uses in its management one of the best ERPs available in the market, TOTVS. However, even with all its versatility, the platform proved to be insufficient to offer the level of detail required to control the indirect costs of such a complex industry. Thus, to support the cost management process, Quatá employed in its logistics and distribution areas a costing model partially by absorption and by activities, using Excel spreadsheets.

Even with the association of these resources, the company still had difficulty in visualizing the costs of all the processes accurately and productively. With a varied portfolio and different production methods, one of the biggest challenges was to efficiently measure profitable and loss-making products. In this context, the production of the industry’s refrigerated goods line proved to be particularly challenging. With an almost manual process for manufacturing their specialty cheeses, accurate costing was not an easy task, but it was a must.


The choice of MyABCM to support Quatá’s cost and profitability management

MyABCM has provided Quatá with the possibility of implementing a new cost management model, capable of serving all sectors of the business, integrating smoothly with the ERP already in use. The cost modeling by activities (ABC/M) is now applied from the industrial plant, in the Production area, to the Commercial sector (covering delivery, logistics, and customer service) and also in the back office and the correct allocation of the indirect costs of the business.

The company, which does accounting and management closing every 5th business day, uses MyABCM to extract various dimensions of analysis, which are then published at a very high level of detail. Through integration with Power BI, the findings are quickly made available for viewing by the entire company, which can use the data provided to improve the decision-making process.


Results provided by MyABCM 

Quatá is a company that is growing a lot and it is essential to understand where it is making and losing money, so one of the company’s greatest gains was in the diversity of the performance information and its analysis. And the outcome of this process is the empowerment of the management teams, who now have much more control over the business performance, since strategic decisions are taken based on the data provided by the software. Among them, it is worth highlighting the contribution margin analysis, which is now performed by Product, Channel, Customer, Management, Salesman, Representative, and Region.

With this detailed vision, Quatá has gained an important competitive advantage. The tools of the MyABCM solution are also used for Planning and Budgeting, in addition to providing historical budget data and solutions for scenario simulations that are fundamental in pricing studies and in obtaining sophisticated forecasts.

This is another benefit of great prominence for the organization. With the agility of the market transformations in the dairy segment, being ready for all the possible unfolding of the sector facing economic and supply chain fluctuations put Quatá ahead of the competition. And it is not only in preparing for market fluctuations that the resources for costing, simulation, and scenario forecasting have optimized Quatá’s operations. The industry launches several products every year. As such, the previous studies with the application of target costing techniques produced with the support of MyABCM are a fundamental pillar in the decision-making process regarding these new launches.

According to the Controller Manager, Jullian Soares, who was responsible for the implementation of costing in Excel and later led the MyABCM project at Quatá, “The model has to make conceptual sense for the business. Today, we have everything tied to MyABCM: understanding key business dimensions, individual goal analysis… I can say that without MyABCM, it would be extremely difficult today to manage the organization with the agility that it demands.”

It is also important to note that the support of the MyABCM support team was evaluated by Quatá’s board as fundamental throughout this process. Not only for their experience with the platform itself and its tools but also their knowledge in the implementation of the activity-based costing method and expertise with 100% dedication focused on the topic.

Meet another one of MyABCM’s great customers in Latin America! Arca Continental is a company that operates in the production, distribution, and sale of beverages under the brands owned by The Coca-Cola Company, as well as the snacks brand Bokados in Mexico, Inalecsa in Ecuador and Wise and Deep River in the United States.

The corporation has more than 96 years of history and is part of the largest Coca-Cola bottlers in the world. With this, Arca Continental supplies the brand’s products to more than 125 million people in several Latin American countries.

The company’s challenges

In charge of manufacturing several brands and integrated with several other divisions, Arca Continental deals with a large and complex operation. Thus, the company needed a solution that could keep up with its production pace and aggregate information from multiple sources into a single platform.

The choice for the MyABCM solution was motivated by the system’s ability to handle a large volume of data and provide a detailed view of cost sources and profitability indexes for each brand in the company’s portfolio. Another determining factor was the smooth integration with ERP and other systems already in use at the organization, and the ability to perform multidimensional modeling and visualize how resources are actually consumed in day-to-day operations

Therefore, the investment in the system will support the decision-making process and create the basis for an assertive and profitable management.

Find out how MyABCM solutions can help your company too!

Meet another notable MyABCM customer today!

Corporación Maresa, an exponent in the Latin American automotive industry, relies on MyABCM solutions for its cost and profitability management.

The holding company, owner of a great reputation in Ecuador, currently owns 7 of the largest automotive brands in the country: RAM, Fiat, Jeep, Chery, Mazda, Dodge, and Dongfeng. Moreover, in its more than 42 years of history, the organization has become a reference when it comes to supporting social and environmental causes.

New challenges

It goes without saying that managing a business of these dimensions is highly complex. That is why Corporación Maresa came to us with great challenges.

The organization, which recently acquired the operations of Cinascar in Ecuador and Colombia – adding those brands to its portfolio, has become one of the largest companies in the automotive market. With this expansion, the need for a solution capable of comprehensively meeting its demands grew.

Managing the distribution of so many major brands and hiring hundreds of employees in its operations, the company felt the urgency for a tool to simplify the creation and implementation of financial modeling, as well as to perform cost and profitability analysis, from the most basic to the most advanced. All this in a system that could be quickly installed and that could create a productive and intelligent workflow with other software already in use.

The selected solution to support the company’s growth

To improve management flexibility and efficiency, Corporación Maresa chose to implement MyABCM. The solution was also chosen for allowing integration with any corporate system and for relying on Data Transformation Studio, a tool that, in addition to creating the connection with various ERPs, ensures the transformation, grouping, and classification of the source data on a visual platform, as well as its subsequent integration with the implemented model.

Want to know more about how all these features support the growth of organizations? Learn about our solutions now!

We present a customer from the logistics segment: Andreani Logística Brasil. The organization is part of Grupo Logístico Andreani, whose operations began in 1945 in Argentina. Currently, the business leads the segment of high value-added logistics services, serving the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, hospital equipment, medical and diagnostic technology, as well as animal health products, in addition to other markets.

Learn more about Andreani Logística here.

Needs of the organization

The company has been operating in Brazil since 2001, concentrating its activities in the south, southeast and central-west regions, where the four branches in the country are located. The business’s priority is to promote the development of a distribution infrastructure that meets the very specific needs of the healthcare sector. In this context, the services provided by Andreani include the integration of the areas of storage, distribution and reverse logistics for its clients.

As it serves multiple companies, in a sector with strict operational and safety requirements and in an extensive territory that is mainly covered by road network, the organization needed a cost and profitability management system that would allow it to efficiently analyze the results of each client separately.

Performing sector analysis

To achieve these goals, the MyABCM Express Solution, suitable for businesses that deal with complex operations, was implemented. Among the gains for Andreani, there will be the possibility of taking into account all the characteristics of each client, without the need for knowledge in code and programming. This advantage, associated with a highly flexible modeling and the application of manual controllers through a user-friendly and simple-to-use interface, will ensure that the company has a precise control of each cost source, as well as the ability to issue accurate reports.

In addition to implementing the system, our team will train Andreani Logística in the distance-learning format, as well as provide consulting services in the first stage of use of the platform.

If you are also looking for a cost and profitability management system that is fully adaptable to your company’s needs, learn about our solutions right now!

Meet another one of our customers! Beverages Fruki is a national company that operates in the food industry, with 7 product lines and 5 brands in its portfolio.

Visit the website and learn more about Bebidas Fruki.

Client’s Challenges

The company’s varied mix includes juices, waters, beer, energy drinks and soft drinks. The story of this traditional company in Rio Grande do Sul began in 1924, with a production capacity of 200 bottles a day, and it represents a true family management success story.

Since its inception, the business has undergone a significant growth and currently produces, among its various fronts, an average of 420 million liters per year. As such, it faces challenges that are typical of the management of a large organization.

Diversifying the product line and managing multiple brands that serve audiences with different characteristics requires a highly detailed look at the cost management and the performance of each one of its revenue streams. In addition, the complexity of distribution operations increases at the same pace as the business grows. Currently, the industry has six distribution centers, which requires the adoption of an efficient system for the allocation of the various cost centers.

Solution applied for cost control and profitability

Given the level of demand involved in the management of activities of this size, and aiming to improve its cost control and increase its profitability, Fruki Bebidas decided to implement the MyABCM Corporate platform.

The system adds dynamism and versatility to cost and profitability analyses, being able to manage a high volume of data with flexible modeling that can be customized to the specific needs of the business.

In addition to implementing the software, platform users in the company will also undergo training to use the MyABCM Corporate resources with maximum productivity. The expected result is a more assertive cost management, capable of basing the decision-making process in the multiple management spheres of the organization and generating an increase in profitability in the medium and long term.

Do you want to do like Fruki and take your company’s cost and profitability management to another level?

Learn more about our solutions here!