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BPCE SC – Solutions Crédit, part of Groupe BPCE, has joined us, adding another important name to our client portfolio. The organization operates in the bank credit sector, providing solutions for around 20 financial entities of the BPCE Group.

Visit the website and learn more about the Group.

The project for BPCE SC

Founded in 2005, the company is a subsidiary of Groupe BPCE, which currently stands out on the European scene as the second largest banking group in France. BPCE SC, in turn, is a national platform with four offices in the French territory, located in the cities of Laval, Reims, Montpellier and Maisons-Alfort.

The Group has over 100,000 employees and 30 million customers, and is present in 40 countries. In this complex scenario, the BPCE SC institution manages, on behalf of its members, from credit assistance and management services to release of funds, borrower’s insurance and solutions for over-indebtedness. As a result, they routinely handle an extensive volume of information, which must be carefully processed.

The company, which until recently carried out its cost control processes using Excel spreadsheets, needed a platform that offered more agility and precision for the management of resources.

Assertive and simplified cost management

In order to have more control over its management, BPCE SC chose the MyABCM solution. The platform, which is already used by three other entities of the group (BPCE IT, Natixis, Natixis Assurance), offers the flexibility needed to allocate the different cost centers and analyze the profitability of each service provided.

The project will be carried out by A2 Consulting together with MyABCM France, and should provide the basis for an even more successful management.

Learn about the MyABCM solutions and find out how your business can also excel!

We present a customer from the logistics segment: Andreani Logística Brasil. The organization is part of Grupo Logístico Andreani, whose operations began in 1945 in Argentina. Currently, the business leads the segment of high value-added logistics services, serving the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, hospital equipment, medical and diagnostic technology, as well as animal health products, in addition to other markets.

Learn more about Andreani Logística here.

Needs of the organization

The company has been operating in Brazil since 2001, concentrating its activities in the south, southeast and central-west regions, where the four branches in the country are located. The business’s priority is to promote the development of a distribution infrastructure that meets the very specific needs of the healthcare sector. In this context, the services provided by Andreani include the integration of the areas of storage, distribution and reverse logistics for its clients.

As it serves multiple companies, in a sector with strict operational and safety requirements and in an extensive territory that is mainly covered by road network, the organization needed a cost and profitability management system that would allow it to efficiently analyze the results of each client separately.

Performing sector analysis

To achieve these goals, the MyABCM Express Solution, suitable for businesses that deal with complex operations, was implemented. Among the gains for Andreani, there will be the possibility of taking into account all the characteristics of each client, without the need for knowledge in code and programming. This advantage, associated with a highly flexible modeling and the application of manual controllers through a user-friendly and simple-to-use interface, will ensure that the company has a precise control of each cost source, as well as the ability to issue accurate reports.

In addition to implementing the system, our team will train Andreani Logística in the distance-learning format, as well as provide consulting services in the first stage of use of the platform.

If you are also looking for a cost and profitability management system that is fully adaptable to your company’s needs, learn about our solutions right now!

Meet another one of our customers! Beverages Fruki is a national company that operates in the food industry, with 7 product lines and 5 brands in its portfolio.

Visit the website and learn more about Bebidas Fruki.

Client’s Challenges

The company’s varied mix includes juices, waters, beer, energy drinks and soft drinks. The story of this traditional company in Rio Grande do Sul began in 1924, with a production capacity of 200 bottles a day, and it represents a true family management success story.

Since its inception, the business has undergone a significant growth and currently produces, among its various fronts, an average of 420 million liters per year. As such, it faces challenges that are typical of the management of a large organization.

Diversifying the product line and managing multiple brands that serve audiences with different characteristics requires a highly detailed look at the cost management and the performance of each one of its revenue streams. In addition, the complexity of distribution operations increases at the same pace as the business grows. Currently, the industry has six distribution centers, which requires the adoption of an efficient system for the allocation of the various cost centers.

Solution applied for cost control and profitability

Given the level of demand involved in the management of activities of this size, and aiming to improve its cost control and increase its profitability, Fruki Bebidas decided to implement the MyABCM Corporate platform.

The system adds dynamism and versatility to cost and profitability analyses, being able to manage a high volume of data with flexible modeling that can be customized to the specific needs of the business.

In addition to implementing the software, platform users in the company will also undergo training to use the MyABCM Corporate resources with maximum productivity. The expected result is a more assertive cost management, capable of basing the decision-making process in the multiple management spheres of the organization and generating an increase in profitability in the medium and long term.

Do you want to do like Fruki and take your company’s cost and profitability management to another level?

Learn more about our solutions here!