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Understand what hospital audit is

With the purpose of evaluating numerous procedures, hospital audit, which has a direct impact on quality control, is a highly positive practice that cannot be ignored in the routine of managers. This audit goes beyond traditional factors such as finance, accounting and tax.

So that you can understand the countless possibilities and benefits, we created this post with very important. Check it out!

Hospital audit: see how it works

Hospital audit is understood as procedures that help to improve management in all sectors, with a focus on previously defined strategies. All of this is done with the help of technology.

It can be internal or external and takes place at pre-determined periods or continuously.

In general, the hospital audit does a kind of X-ray, outlining the positive and negative points. That way, the manager can make more accurate decisions, always focusing on reducing costs, increasing productivity and optimizing time.

To arrive at the results, auditors carry out different types of analyses, mainly using indicators that present information about many factors, from finances to emergency care.

As a hospital involves a series of procedures and sectors, there are some types of audits, as we will show you now.


This hospital audit always takes place in advance, as the name suggests. With it, it is possible to review all the steps of the procedures that should be implemented.

By analyzing them, the manager can see whether or not they meet the needs of the hospital. We can mention as an example the installation of medical software.

Before purchasing it, the hospital will carry out a preventive audit to see if the system will meet the needs with the features offered.


The analytical audit makes a complete analysis of the hospital or clinic, accurately presenting the main bottlenecks and strengths and designating strategies for new investments that can improve processes.

The idea goes beyond collecting information, as it also involves the study of situations with their respective risks and business opportunities.


As the name says, the operational audit is aimed at the daily life of a hospital. It focuses on the steps of service, as well as the beds provided.

The idea is to always improve the quality of care, avoiding problems that could interfere with management, such as the loss of a health insurance plan or a drop in private care.


The account audit makes corrections in the amounts that will be sent to the patient or health care provider, in order to avoid undue charges.

It also analyzes possible irregularities in the accounts, such as the amounts in medications, hospitalizations, etc.

Learn about the main benefits of hospital auditing

By monitoring the practices carried out, the auditor contributes to all sectors of a hospital or clinic, having a direct impact on the progress of management.

With the hospital audit, it is possible to improve the quality of services and care, in addition to standardizing procedures; as a result, the accounts are balanced.

For everything to happen in a harmonious way, a good tip is to have management software.

That way, it is also possible to always keep up-to-date with accounts, with reports on the performance of different sectors, which promotes the hospital’s full development.

In addition to the advantages mentioned above, we should highlight that hospital audits reduce costs, improve the relationship with patients and increase the level of competitiveness.

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