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Have you ever been caught off guard by a storm? Sometimes, when we look at the sky and see the sun shining brightly, we may not realize that the presence of some clouds already indicates that a change is coming. (more…)

It is not surprising that the job of running a small or medium business involves great management skills in the various departments of the company, such as in inventory, personnel, customer service, and finance management. (more…)

Given an increasingly competitive market, several enterprises have been looking for solutions that ensure more accurate decision-making and more efficient planning. (more…)

With the advancement of technology, the world has been changing at a fast pace, and this is also true for business analysis. (more…)

Currently, one of the greatest challenges for any manager is to increase the productivity of their teams. (more…)

Within the business market, a term that has gained considerable relevance is the expression “scalable business”. But do you know what this scalability means? (more…)

Have you heard of the Kaizen Method? Basically, it is a concept that emerged in Japan, shortly after World War II, by internationalist Masaaki Imai. (more…)

Do you know what ROA is for? Well, this acronym means Return on Assets. At first we can emphasize that it is a very important profitability indicator for an organization. (more…)

Don’t be fooled by the word “micromanagement”: it may sound like another innovative management technique, but it is just the opposite. (more…)

Good results do not happen overnight. It takes hard work and, more importantly, seriousness to do the financial management of a business – of any size. (more…)