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For a company to do well and achieve a good position in the services market, it is necessary to seek new ways to evolve its processes and ensure the good performance of internal activities.

Among the areas of the company that require attention, one of the main ones is the finance department. This is because it is responsible for ensuring the balance between the investments, expenses and earnings of the business, enabling the institution’s sustainability.

For this reason, the leaders should know about some topics that involve this area, such as the control of accounts payable and receivable. This measure enables generating a greater security when carrying out new projects, always allowing the enterprise’s financial health to be maintained.

If you still haven’t learned about this topic, we have prepared this article with the 4 best tips on how to do this management. Read on!

1. Record each transaction

The first tip for you to be able to carry out a good control of accounts payable and receivable is to record each transaction.

In the case of accounts payable, it is possible to find direct expenses, which refer to expenses with labor, raw material and sales commissions. In addition to these, we have the fixed bills, which refer to salaries, water and electricity bills, and accountant’s salary, among others.

As for accounts receivable, they are related to revenues from products and services. The record should also include future receipts or amounts that the company is yet to obtain.

2. Track records monthly

You should also track the records monthly. For this to be done in an organized way, it will be necessary to use some tools, such as the famous spreadsheets, which help in scheduling the frequency of records.

By studying the data and information collected, it is possible to create an analysis of financial processes and compile the results month by month. That way, it is possible to know if the number of accounts is decreasing or increasing and how much revenue was spent by the company.

3. Negotiate the accounts

For both accounts payable and receivable, there is the possibility of seeking their negotiation. This can be a great strategy if your company does not have the revenue needed to pay off some of the business’ debts, for example.

Through some negotiation resources, such as the use of loans, it is possible to maintain the enterprise’s sustainability.

4. Search for automation software

The use of technologies has become quite recurrent nowadays. This is due to the numerous benefits provided by these resources, such as process optimization and increased productivity of employees.

Following this idea, automating the accounts payable and receivable control activities is a good way to ensure information security and allow data to be stored and processed strategically and productively.

If you want to carry out this deployment, don’t forget to understand what your company’s demand is. Moreover, relying on partners that have the expertise in this segment is essential, as is the case of companies that offer management software.

These were the main tips on how to control accounts payable and receivable. By putting them into practice, you will realize how important they are to ensure the stability and success of the financial sector of your segment.

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Technology is present in all sectors of society and has been helping companies to achieve better results, with a reduction in costs. Therefore, the installation of medical software is essential in hospitals and clinics. With it, it is possible to obtain many advantages in management.

But for you to choose the ideal one, according to your demands and infrastructure, you need to follow some tips, like the ones we will show you throughout this post.

Understand the importance of medical software

Imagine filling out medical appointments on paper, writing charts with pens, and filing documents in physical folders.

In addition to the delay in procedures, there would be an increase in costs and many security risks, not to mention even jeopardizing diagnoses.

By installing medical software, your hospital or clinic will invest in automation, being able to count on online appointments and have access to the status of customers, with all the contact information.

Thus, organization becomes a fact. Another advantage is the electronic medical record, allocating each patient’s information quickly.

As a result, the procedures are done with more quality, increasing efficiency, as the patient data can be consulted in real time, which means that numerous types of errors are avoided. But to choose the ideal software, you need to follow some tips.

Here are some that we have specially selected for your clinic or hospital.

Choose a company with credibility

When choosing an Information Technology (IT) service provider, the ideal is to choose a company that has experience in software management.

After all, this is a considerable investment that requires a system that is well-functioning and focused on the reality of your hospital.

Therefore, research the company’s history and consult with other customers to certify its reputation.

Observe the software interface

The interface is the users’ experience, which means it needs to be easy to understand for employees to adapt quickly.

With that in mind, run tests with the medical software and check if the navigation is smooth, if there are buttons that make the operations easier and the features needed for a hospital or clinic, such as electronic medical record, medical appointments, finances, inventory and registration, among others.

Analyze the security

Data security is critical. The software also needs to be stable and have good servers in order to avoid errors at any some point of the day.

As a lot of important patient information is entered into the system, keeping it confidential is essential.

Therefore, in your medical software analysis, you should pay careful attention to operational security.

Support offered

Throughout its use, it is common for users to have doubts and need some changes from time to time.

There is nothing better than adequate support for everything to work smoothly. Therefore, check if the service provider offers a technical team to solve some issues. Ideally, the support should be 24 hours.

That is because hospitals and clinics operate full time and need special attention with regard to IT.

Variety of plans

As each customer has a different reality, you should have a variety of plans in order to choose the ideal one, such as storage capacity, support, features, etc.

Thus, check if the company has this diversity. By following our tips, the chosen medical software will certainly be the ideal one for your company, reducing costs by using technology.

Do you want to improve results in your hospital or clinic? Then contact our team and learn about our plans!

With the purpose of evaluating numerous procedures, hospital audit, which has a direct impact on quality control, is a highly positive practice that cannot be ignored in the routine of managers. This audit goes beyond traditional factors such as finance, accounting and tax.

So that you can understand the countless possibilities and benefits, we created this post with very important. Check it out!

Hospital audit: see how it works

Hospital audit is understood as procedures that help to improve management in all sectors, with a focus on previously defined strategies. All of this is done with the help of technology.

It can be internal or external and takes place at pre-determined periods or continuously.

In general, the hospital audit does a kind of X-ray, outlining the positive and negative points. That way, the manager can make more accurate decisions, always focusing on reducing costs, increasing productivity and optimizing time.

To arrive at the results, auditors carry out different types of analyses, mainly using indicators that present information about many factors, from finances to emergency care.

As a hospital involves a series of procedures and sectors, there are some types of audits, as we will show you now.


This hospital audit always takes place in advance, as the name suggests. With it, it is possible to review all the steps of the procedures that should be implemented.

By analyzing them, the manager can see whether or not they meet the needs of the hospital. We can mention as an example the installation of medical software.

Before purchasing it, the hospital will carry out a preventive audit to see if the system will meet the needs with the features offered.


The analytical audit makes a complete analysis of the hospital or clinic, accurately presenting the main bottlenecks and strengths and designating strategies for new investments that can improve processes.

The idea goes beyond collecting information, as it also involves the study of situations with their respective risks and business opportunities.


As the name says, the operational audit is aimed at the daily life of a hospital. It focuses on the steps of service, as well as the beds provided.

The idea is to always improve the quality of care, avoiding problems that could interfere with management, such as the loss of a health insurance plan or a drop in private care.


The account audit makes corrections in the amounts that will be sent to the patient or health care provider, in order to avoid undue charges.

It also analyzes possible irregularities in the accounts, such as the amounts in medications, hospitalizations, etc.

Learn about the main benefits of hospital auditing

By monitoring the practices carried out, the auditor contributes to all sectors of a hospital or clinic, having a direct impact on the progress of management.

With the hospital audit, it is possible to improve the quality of services and care, in addition to standardizing procedures; as a result, the accounts are balanced.

For everything to happen in a harmonious way, a good tip is to have management software.

That way, it is also possible to always keep up-to-date with accounts, with reports on the performance of different sectors, which promotes the hospital’s full development.

In addition to the advantages mentioned above, we should highlight that hospital audits reduce costs, improve the relationship with patients and increase the level of competitiveness.

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Every day, several pieces of information are entered into hospitals’ database, and hospital indicators are an excellent way to improve management. With them, it is possible to assess the performance of sectors and teams and have budget planning and assistance in decision-making.

Aiming at a professional management, throughout this post we will show you seven indicators that should always be part of your hospital or clinic’s daily routine.

1. Occupancy rate

As its name suggests, this indicator traces the percentage of patients seen according to the number of beds available. To that end, it is necessary to take into account the treatment time of each person.

The occupancy rate also takes into consideration the beds for post-anesthesia, nursery observation and pre-delivery, in addition to the traditional ones.

With the indicator, the manager has knowledge about the type of bed most used, age group, gender, health insurance that is most in demand; in other words, the budget is always organized.

2. Turnover interval

It is calculated by the average time that a surgical center is unoccupied, that is, it is the period of idleness of a bed.

How to calculate it? Multiply the average length of stay by the percentage of vacancy, dividing the result by the percentage of occupation.

Thus, if it is a high index, the waiting list increases. Otherwise, finances can be affected by unoccupied beds.

3. Average length of stay

It is calculated by the average length of stay of patients in a given period.

With this hospital indicator, the manager is able to know the number of discharges, transfers and deaths, that is, it is essential for both the financial and operational routine.

4. Profitability

The profitability indicator demonstrates how much the hospital earned in relation to investments, presenting the well-known ROI.

This account includes care paid by health insurance, privately, public health care, sectors, etc. Therefore, the larger the productivity, the better is the use of resources.

5. Revenue

A crucial factor in administrative management, revenue is linked to accounts payable and receivable, as well as to the hospital’s efficiency capacity analysis, always aiming at saving resources.

The revenue indicator reveals the best health insurances, being essential for potential continuations or cancellations.

6. Patient satisfaction

As patient satisfaction is a hospital indicator that is in line with the humanization of care, it is obtained through assessments.

With technologies, it can be evaluated through totems that have questions about the quality of services provided and are open to suggestions and criticism.

Questions about potential recommendations of the unit also help in the calculation, as the answers provide a guide for decision-making.

7. Clinic’s productivity evaluation

To achieve this indicator, it is necessary to have the help of management software, which will show the services that provide the most financial return, from complex procedures to surgeries and appointments.

That way, it is possible to see which areas are more productive, being a good indicator for investment and teams’ retention.

In addition to the hospital indicators mentioned, there is also the mortality rate, which traces the number of deaths in a given period, showing which ones happened in surgeries or other situations.

With the rate, it is possible to set actions that lower the indexes. Therefore, hospital indicators are extremely important in management and must always be put into practice.

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Nowadays, one of the main objectives of entrepreneurs is to ensure the development and sustainability of their company. To do so, many choose to invest in improving their management together with the use of technologies in the corporate environment. In this sense, we should emphasize the role of financial management, as this is one of the main areas responsible for ensuring the business’s stability.

If it is not done strategically, financial imbalance may occur, leading to the stagnation of the business. To avoid this, it is crucial that managers know all the issues related to the financial sector. We can mention the direct and indirect cash flow as one of the items that is essential to a good organization in this department.

If you have no idea about what each concept is, we’ve prepared this article for you. Read on and stay on top of it!

What is direct cash flow?

Direct cash flow is nothing more than the record of all amounts, whether paid or received by the company, which were moved in a given period. With it, it is possible to identify the business’s gross results in a realistic way.

It uses the cash system, which can be said to be the most common one currently. As the main benefit, we can highlight that direct cash flow allows obtaining quickly updated data and information that are very useful for the work of financial managers.

What is indirect cash flow?

Indirect cash flow is based on the net income analysis and measures the impacts on cash flow. Thus, unlike the direct cash flow, it does not provide an input and output view, as in this case it uses an accrual basis.

In practice, the main idea is to study the variation in cash for a given period from an accounting point of view. That way, it is possible to distinguish the actual cash from the balance of the financial statements.

What is the best option for the company?

As for the definition of which method to use in your company, it is worth mentioning that one should not necessarily exclude the other. In fact, the two complement each other to generate pertinent information about the control of your business’ finances.

By using them, managers are able to better understand factors such as revenue, net and gross income, costs and expenses, and several other topics related to the finance department.

It is worth noting that if your intention is to obtain greater control and clarity over these processes, in addition to using these methodologies, it is essential to count on the help of a management system. With this feature, you are able to centralize data and information about the company’s sectors, as well as manage the sales operations and expenses of the institution.

So, these were the main information about the difference between direct and indirect cash flow. Being aware of topics like this contributes a lot to optimizing the work of financial management, in addition to making a greater control over these processes possible.

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The routine in a hospital is characterized by several demands in different sectors, from initial care to surgical procedures. For everything to be synchronized, hospital cost management needs innovations. Among them, the installation of software is one of the main needs.

This system controls data and provides complete information about all sectors. Do you want to learn how to improve the results in your hospital or clinic? Then keep reading!

Learn about the importance of hospital cost management

The use of technologies is a trend that is here to stay in the management of any business. Due to the current high level of competitiveness, software is essential to organize finances.

With it, it is possible to gather all departments in the same system; in other words, there is space for patient control, electronic forms, entries and exits, quantity of materials in stock, among other features.

That way, there is a systematization of data, an essential aspect to assist in decision-making and improve the level of customer satisfaction. After all, care will be faster, and diagnoses will be more accurate.

Next, see more benefits of cost management software for hospitals!

Data organization

By installing a management system, your hospital will have technological resources to map all processes, such as material costs, patients’ payment, in addition to all financial demands.

It is also possible to organize data about patients, with a specific field for personal information and the causes of diseases or illnesses. Thus, professionals from different sectors are able to obtain better performances.

Cost reduction

As decision-making is more accurate when using the data presented by the system’s reports, the analyses are essential for cutting superfluous expenses or even reducing employees or redirecting them to sectors that need them most.

That way, the hospital is able to save money, a very important aspect to keep up to date with payments. Moreover, it is possible to study potential investments more effectively, whether in purchasing new equipment, remodeling a wing, or launching an awareness campaign.

As an example, we can mention the assistance protocols. With them, it is possible to check whether the tests are excessive or not, thus having a clear understanding of the cost per patient.

Increased productivity

By streamlining processes, employees will consequently be more productive. This is because technology contributes to the most sought-after prerequisite on the market today: doing more with less.

This is a positive aspect that optimizes time and contributes to improving the employees’ level of motivation.

Integration of sectors

By having software as a complement to manage hospital costs, the sectors will be integrated. As a result, communication will be more efficient, and the financial sector will always have the data needed to avoid setbacks.

With cost management, the financial sector will have enough strength to face crises and moments of prosperity.

How to choose the cost management software

Given the advantages presented throughout this post, you might be wondering: but how do I know which software is ideal for my hospital? At this point, the tip is to choose a company that already has the expertise in the sector, with success stories and solutions that are in tune with your company’s reality.

That way, the hospital cost management will certainly be well executed, with professionalism and all the protocols that will ensure quality of care and customer satisfaction.

Are you interested in learning about our hospital management software? Then take the opportunity and contact our team right now!



Due to recent changes in society, the sustainable growth of the company has become a prerequisite on the market. This is because company managers are more aware of the influence of the means of production on the environment and the social role they play in the community.

Therefore, the investment in this area is a competitive advantage that promotes the brand and gives credibility to the company. Do you want to learn how to put this concept into practice? Then check out this post!

How to implement the company’s sustainable growth

The first step for a company to experience sustainable growth is to promote a change in organizational culture.

To do so, it is necessary to implement innovative practices, as well as actions that value the environment and promote quality of life, including activities that involve the surrounding community. There are also other attitudes, such as:

Understanding what the responsibilities are

A company’s responsibility is proportional to the impacts it causes on the environment. Thus, medium, and large companies must have well-structured action plans.

In the case of an industry, it is necessary to properly treat the water. An investment in filters can mitigate the impacts of polluting gases in the atmosphere.

Recycling programs should also be promoted, as well as the conscious consumption of electricity.

Investing in social inclusion

Given that a company is part of a social context, it is essential to invest in inclusion, such as in vocational courses, computer classes, educational projects; in short, attitudes that contribute to improving access.

In addition, the company needs to understand the particularities of the neighborhood where it operates, investing in segments that present positive results in the short, medium, and long term.

Valuing employees

The company’s sustainable growth also requires the full appreciation of employees through programs or lectures that promote respect in the work environment and quality of life.

Based on this premise, we can mention the awareness about gender, sexual orientation, and religion, as well as incentives to the practice of physical activities, to tackle alcohol consumption and smoking, and to value the environment.

Prioritizing innovations

Sustainable growth is synonymous with innovation in companies. Among them, we can mention the installation of cost management software.

With it, departments are integrated, streamlining processes, and reducing costs, which are factors that are clearly related to increased productivity.

Technology helps in decision-making and contributes positively to strategies: in order to develop projects without causing losses, there is nothing better than software to measure data and show the balances of each sector.

This is an evolution that helps even in awareness campaigns aimed at customers, as the system is able to obtain information about consumption habits and cash flow; in other words, it is possible to increase competitiveness.

The software also displays profitability indicators, an aspect that is connected with the company’s sustainable growth. Therefore, investments bring very favorable results when actions are based on correct statistics such as those provided by a cost management system.

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