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3 tips for how to do a good hospital roster management

Some sectors of the economy, especially those related to health care, such as hospitals, need to operate full time in order to meet the needs of the population. In this scenario, for all services to work properly and to not overload any employee of the institution, it is essential that the directors are able to do a good roster management.

Roster management is nothing more than managing the work schedule of the employees of each team, so as to ensure that the provision of services is not affected by lack of staff. It is also important because it allows managers to efficiently relocate professionals (for example, when someone was unable to show up for work), ensuring the perfect operation of all institution departments 24 hours a day.

But do you know how to do an efficient roster management? Check out 3 tips in this post that we have prepared for you!

1. Choose the type of roster

Before defining how the roster will be, it is important to keep in mind that the workday of any professional needs to respect labor regulations. It is worth remembering that this is important not only to avoid sanctions for the institution, but also to ensure that employees are not subjected to exhausting working hours.

Therefore, it is essential to know the legal standards related to the theme and, of course, the reality and profile of the institution. In general, as hospitals operate full-time every day of the week, they adopt rotating shift schedules. The most common types of roster are:

  • 12 per 36-hour shift: every 12 uninterrupted working hours, the professional takes 36 hours off;
  • 5 per 1-day shift: every 5 working days, the employee has 1 day off;
  • 5 per 2-day shift: every 5 working days, the employee has 2 days off;
  • 6 per 1-day shift: every 6 working days, the employee has 1 day off.

It is worth mentioning that, regardless of the roster model adopted, it is important to comply with all applicable legal provisions, especially with regard to the limit of daily working hours and the frequency with which each employee’s time-off must coincide with Sunday. Therefore, it is essential to have control over everything.

2. Plan the roster in advance

In addition to defining the type of work schedule to be adopted, it is vital to plan the roster in advance, delimiting the work day and the day off for each employee. After all, in addition to affecting employees’ personal organization, doing the roster at the last minute is not easy.

Thus, the work roster should ideally be done at least monthly. As soon as the monthly planning is done, employees must be informed about their working days and respective days off. As a result, you will be able to reduce the probability of potential absences, which are common when the roster is made at the last minute.

3. Automate management

Overall, the number of employees in a hospital is high, which makes planning the work roster even more complex. Therefore, doing it manually, using only printed tables or spreadsheets, is not at all effective. Moreover, this type of planning is susceptible to errors, which may cause many headaches for managers.

In this scenario, in order to do an efficient roster management, it is essential to rely on the help of technological tools such as management software. In addition to automating the roster planning, making it more efficient and assertive, management software allows you to have an effective control over the working hours and time-off for each employee.

By following these tips, you will certainly be able to efficiently manage the roster in the hospital and, consequently, ensure the smooth operation of the institution. After all, poor roster management can lead to work overload, service interruption, decreased quality of the service, and even loss of customers, affecting the results of the institution as a whole.

Now that you know how to do a roster management, share our post on your social media and help other managers stay on top of the subject!

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