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Learn the step-by-step to implement the lean methodology in the company

Regardless of the size or industry, seeking ways to enhance productivity in a company is undoubtedly one of the biggest concerns among managers, especially in times of crisis. Because of this, many turns to the lean methodology in the hope of solving the problem.

The lean methodology, also known as “lean management”, was developed in the 1980s with the aim of optimizing production flows at the Toyota Company. Today, it is a method used around the world by many companies that wish to increase their productivity.

So, if you also want to get positive results in your company, just keep reading this article to understand more about this topic!

What is lean methodology and what is its importance?

As we mentioned, the lean methodology aims to increase the company’s productivity using only the resources needed to carry out a particular step, activity or process in order to avoid spending with waste. Therefore, it became known as “lean management”.

Thus, one of the main benefits of this methodology is the ability to reduce overall wasteful spending, better managing the time of production. In addition, by adopting this business strategy, it is possible to notice the following advantages:

  • alignment of company values;
  • improvement in process management;
  • contribution to team development;
  • promotion of constant improvement.

How to implement lean methodology in the company’s business management?

The implementation of lean methodology is quite simple, as long as it is applied continuously. In practice, it is possible to establish this feature with 3 fundamental steps. Check it out!

Create an MVP

MVP is the acronym for Minimum Viable Product. This method aims to quickly test the viability of an idea. That is, through MVP, the manager is able to:

  • identify the positive aspects;
  • see what needs to be improved;
  • analyze what the challenges will be during development;
  • point out what are the expectations for the return.

With MVP, the manager has the advantage of applying a new idea based on real data and not just hypotheses.

Change the company’s thinking culture

For the results to be seen, it is not enough to just introduce the lean methodology in the company’s management, it is necessary to change the internal culture so that everyone involved understands the importance of applying the concept of this method in everyday life.

Thus, the inclusion of lean methodology is a process that should be done on a daily basis; therefore, seek to encourage good practices by advising your employees on the advantages of avoiding waste. Once this is done, the results will only be a matter of time.

Automate the processes

Having a broader view of what happens inside the company and what can be improved makes it easier to identify which processes need to be automated in order to maximize time optimization, and thus, ensure greater productivity.

What is the difference between lean methodology and Six Sigma?

It is quite common to find managers who confuse the concept of lean methodology with Six Sigma. Although there are some similarities between them, they have different concepts. While Lean aims to increase productivity by reducing waste, Six Sigma aims to decrease company expenses by reducing the amount of production. Thus, the manager can introduce both methodologies in the company culture, as they complement each other.

Based on this information, we can see that the lean methodology makes a big difference in the company’s results, because the idea is to produce more with less. Therefore, it is very important to have a good understanding of the purpose of this concept and develop strategies so that it is disseminated in the daily routine of your business.

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