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Cost Management
Costs and Expenses Reduction
MyABCM Insights

Process-based management: why do it and how can it be done?

The word “indicators” is present in the life of the entrepreneur. It may be related to market indicators, economic indicators and, to the surprise of many entrepreneurs, internal business data. Understanding this is essential to getting the process-based management right.

This management model carries out a deep and constant study of the business situation, contributing to the healthy growth of any company. However, it requires the enterprise to provide quality, reliable data in an agile way.

In order for you to understand how to do this and the power of this information, we have prepared this article!

Understanding process-based management

Each company process can infer its results, even if it is not directly linked to the production of something. Processes are like small businesses within an enterprise, therefore, it is necessary to assess whether they make good use of the resources that are offered to them.

The simplest way to make this assessment is to follow the reports generated by each process. At this point, two problems usually arise: the first is that not every company maps its internal processes appropriately. The second is that many businesses do not know how these processes can generate data.

To resolve both issues, it is necessary to invest in business management software. These tools are capable of monitoring various actions, transforming them into information that is easy to read.

But, you may ask yourself: what are the advantages of this information?

Advantages of process-based management

Reduction of errors in decision-making

With correct and reliable information on each process, the entrepreneur is able to devise more precise strategies, reducing the potential losses resulting from errors. The analysis done in a superficial way may present scenarios that do not match the reality of the process, causing the manager to make mistakes that can cost the business dearly.


It is not necessary to cut expenses violently whenever the business goes through tumultuous moments. Ideally, the company should constantly monitor the costs of each process and department, taking the opportunity to understand the ROI on each process.

Thus, the manager is able to propose cost reduction measures at opportune times, preventing the business from facing difficulties in its cash.

Prevention of losses

Imagine the following scenario: a factory will replace its entire roof, exposing its warehouse to the weather. What would happen if this work was carried out in the rainy or snowy season? The ideal would be to do it in periods of drought, right?

To this end, the entrepreneur should carefully monitor the weather forecasts, studying the rainfall history of recent years. Similar to this example, process-based management makes the entrepreneur avoid losses, as they are able to foresee different possibilities.

Choosing the cost management software

Once the benefits of process-based management are understood, it is important for the entrepreneur to choose the tools to manage cost-related processes. Understanding how these numbers impact the company’s results greatly helps the decision-making.

Therefore, we would like to invite you to learn more about MyABCM. Our company has been operating in the technology market for decades, developing solutions that help businesses around the world. Talk to us and learn more about our tools!

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