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MyABCM Insights

What are the benefits of traceability for your company?

A very important concept for the organization and the internal process management of a company is traceability. It is based on an institution’s ability to detail the history, function, applicability or even the location of a particular item using previously established information – which, for some industries, may become a legal requirement.

It is also worth mentioning that this tool is strategic for the security plan, as well as the quality management of a business. Do you want to better understand this subject? Then read on! Below, we will learn what the main benefits of applying traceability in a company are, and how it can be done.

What are the benefits of traceability?

As we said, this concept can make all the difference in the control of a company’s production chain. Let’s check out, in more detail, its main advantages.

Improves the quality of processes

One of the most important benefits of traceability is the possibility of improvement of the quality of all activities of the company’s internal sectors it offers.

As its processes and services are documented, it becomes possible to easily identify errors and incorrect procedures. As a result, managers are able to plan more targeted goals and actions, maintaining the security and efficiency of their management.

Minimizes costs

We can emphasize the cost reduction as a direct consequence of the previous advantage. This is because, with the understanding of how each sector of the production chain is managed and what failures occur in each operation, as well as the reasons behind them and the losses involved, the management is able to act to remedy them as soon as possible. Thus, the costs of these internal processes are considerably reduced.

Increases management control

In order for the business to be sustainable, it is essential to invest in a planned and quality management in all services of the company. This is only possible, however, if all its activities are under control.

Traceability is able to significantly improve this control, precisely because it helps the management to identify changes in codes, system failures and other issues in the internal environment.

Prevents recurrences

During the production chain, goods can present problems of different causes. It is possible, for example, that a failure is directly related to the raw material itself.

In any case, to prevent this deadlock from recurring in the future, it is necessary for the company to understand how it occurred and what, exactly, is the error that needs to be corrected. And that is precisely what traceability allows by guaranteeing the improvement of the activities of an enterprise.

How can it be applied in a company?

An important tip is to separate the lots of products, raw materials and packaging, and record where they came from and where they are going. In addition, the system should have all the documentation needed to classify the data during the process steps.

It is also necessary to consider the integration of external and internal information – such as suppliers and customers, for example – and carry out tests to verify if their traceability remains efficient or needs to be improved.

Finally, it is clear that this tool can positively impact your entire production chain, providing greater security and efficiency in the tasks performed. So now that you know the main benefits of traceability, be sure to use it in your business!

And if you liked this article, but still had some questions, contact us! Our consultants will be happy to assist you.

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