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Don’t be fooled by the word “micromanagement”: it may sound like another innovative management technique, but it is just the opposite. (more…)

In an enterprise, exposure to risks is constant, and they can have positive or negative impacts on the business. (more…)

For an enterprise to achieve good results in its activities and success in its business, managers need to constantly seek improvements for their processes and evolve the internal management methodology. (more…)

If you could ask for advice on strategic cost management to a professional, who would they be? What would they work on? For a moment imagine what that person would be like. (more…)

For your company to be well-managed, it is vital that your controllers have access to accurate information about your situation. (more…)

When we think of resources, it is natural for our minds to think of money, raw material or other assets. (more…)

An already well-known solution in the corporate world is the management software, which in fact does much more than record financial transactions and issue reports. (more…)

Data management is a process aimed at collecting, assimilating, understanding, and ensuring the security of information that is useful and valuable to the company. (more…)

When we say that a company is driven by data management, it means that the corporation always uses evidence, indicators and objective information as a basis to make more informed and accurate decisions. (more…)

A company needs to make investments in order to deliver a particular product or service. (more…)