How to identify and develop your high potentials?
Having a strategic vision for the growth of a company implies thinking not only in the short term, but also in the long run. If you want your company to continue to exist in the next few years, you need to be visionary enough to maintain its sustainability throughout this period.
One of the key points to ensure constant vitality and success is to find the high potentials of your business among your employees. More than successors, they are the talents that will strive to make your company the best in the market.
However, identifying them can be an arduous task. So read our article and learn how to accomplish this task properly in order to ensure the success of your business in the long term.

What do high potentials mean?
High Potentials refers to employees who have an intrinsic potential and the internal resources required to make the company grow, according to the defined strategic plan, towards success. Usually they are among the 5% of employees with the best indicators of your company.
Managers must train and develop them in order for them to take on strategic and managerial roles in the medium and long term, or even taking up positions that still don’t exist in the organization.
What is the importance of finding your high potentials?
It is necessary to pay attention in order to know how to identify who really are the high potentials of your company. According to a survey by the Conference Board, a New York research institute, half of the employees who are identified in this modality do not actually fall into this category.
That is, faced with a business challenge, they are not able to handle the situation, which is something that should not happen with high potentials. This is a very delicate problem for companies, as it involves investing in the personal and professional growth of people who were not prepared to take on such a position.
The main consequence of this is not being able to achieve the goals and objectives outlined in the company’s strategic planning. This generates financial losses, as well as the loss of competitive edge.
How to identify these skills
As we said at the beginning of the article, the first step is to observe those who have the best performances inside the company. That is usually where you find the high potentials.
Another recommendation is to shift focus: you should not think of possible successors for current managers, but rather find the talents of the future. Then, it is necessary to observe the skills of the employees that may be, in fact, the future of the organization.
The essential starting point is the strategic plan: at what level does the company expect to be in the next few years? Who are the professionals qualified to implement the measures needed to carry out the plan? What skills should be explored? By doing so, you will be able to observe what the fundamental characteristics they must have.
You can even use strategic analysis software. It displays markers that identify who the professionals with these characteristics are. As a result, it is possible to minimize the chances of error, providing a greater basis for the decision-making.
Some of the universal skills that these employees usually present are:
- Strategic vision;
- Enjoys a challenge;
- Ability to identify future trends and adapt the company to them;
- Resilience;
- Entrepreneurship;
- Constant engagement.
How to develop the company’s high potentials
Were you able to identify who are, in fact, the high potentials of your organization? Great! Now is the time to prepare them for the future. Here are some important tips for developing them:
- Create a program specifically for the development of high potentials;
- Promote integration and exchange of experiences between them;
- Encourage their participation in several areas of the company;
- Train each employee’s specific skills.
Finding your true high potentials is a great challenge. But when it is done right, it can bring great results for your company, especially in the long term. After all, it is always necessary to think not only of the present, but also the future of the business.
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