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“MyABCM helps STIME having an integrated solution for services catalog invoicing. That’s a scalable solution which enables changes of rules and data management directly by CFOs. We have no doubt on functional coverage of MyABCM and there is no limit about the solution.”

Xavier Trébouta
Finance and Management Control Director
STIME – France


STIME is a subsidiary of the Intermarché group which is dedicated to the delivery of IT services. It has its own employees, revenue of 200 million euros and serves the group’s warehouses, offices and affiliates as well as its points of sale.


In 2005, the IT Systems and Governance Department defined a model for the comparative evaluation of IT costs based on the Activity-Based Costing (ABC) methodology to deal with the organization’s concerns in terms of performance, profitability and process control.

For STIME, there were many objectives for this change ranging from improving its relationship with its clients to improving internal performance and efficiency.


In a meeting with the team from MyABCM France at the beginning of 2013, STIME discovered that the MyABCM solution would be a more efficient and more reliable option to simplify the annual budgeting process (June through September) and decided to substitute its current system by the MyABCM solution. The system’s implementation took just 3 months, and the MyABCM solution gave STIME additional high value-added resources, such as:

  • The reassignment of costs among Cost Objects,
  • Agility in its calculations,
  • Instant visualization of drivers, product quantities, and total and unit costs,
  • Cost Tracing (in the form of graphics or values) of the Activity and Resource costs associated with a Cost Object.


Today STIME has no doubts about the extent and coverage of its MyABCM solution which provides it with true strategic cost management, and the firm has yet to discover any limits to this solution.
