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To be successful in the services market and ensure a good position against the competition, it is essential that managers aim to improve their knowledge of management. In this regard, among the issues that should be worked on in the business, we can mention various aspects of the financial sector, such as the implementation of a good chart of accounts for the company.

Basically, this concept refers to a set of transactions that represent the economic and financial demand of the company. Thus, the main goal is to organize the accounting work related to the records of operations. This plan also guides the preparation of the financial statements, as well as the business’s financial information, such as the Balance Sheet and Cash Flow.

Due to its importance, it is essential to know how to develop this strategy in your institution. To help with this topic, we’ve listed some tips in this article. Check it out!

Describe the account groups

First of all, we must emphasize that a company’s accounts will always have characteristics that are specific to your business. Therefore, to have an efficient chart of accounts, you need to create something personalized in order to meet the enterprise’s registration requirements.

The first step in setting up this strategy is to describe the groups in the chart of accounts. In this case, it is divided into four groups. The first group is “assets”. It can be divided into current, non-current, long-term, fixed and intangible assets, and investments. There is also the group of “liabilities”, which includes current and non-current liabilities and equity. In addition to these, we have two other groups: revenues and expenses.

Structure the information into levels

Another important point is that this accounting strategy should be set up in a visual structure in the form of a “tree”, so that there are levels that branch into sub-levels and so on. Furthermore, it is interesting to start organizing the processes by revenues, then by expenses, until finally arriving at the final result.

Carry out the breakdown of revenues and expenses

In the case of revenues, the type of product or service that justifies the inflow of funds in the institution should be established, as well as the nature of the transaction and the categories to which it belongs. It may also be useful to separate into subgroups, as is the case of “Revenue resulting from product sales” and “Revenue obtained from services”.

Another tip is to detail the direct expenses that are related to the revenues achieved, such as raw materials, sales commissions, logistic transportation, cost of goods sold, etc.

Well, these were the main information about how to prepare a chart of accounts for your company. It is worth noting that this strategy has the advantage of allowing for a better view of the company’s assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses, making processes more organized and effective.

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The routine of a hospital involves different departments with very different demands; in other words, the management of resources must be impeccable, and done always with the help of technology. After all, it is necessary to implement several processes in order to identify, acquire and manage everything that is required in the day-to-day operations.

So that you can always keep the resources well organized, we will give you some essential tips in this post. Check it out!

Understand what resource management is

Resource management is a way for the manager to account for everything that exists within a hospital, having a thorough control of equipment, supplies, raw materials, human resources, etc.

In general, it is an operational organization, inserting into the software all the property specifications, including data that help in new acquisitions and management.

As a result, waste is avoided and there is a better use of materials, whether physical or the team’s.

Resource management aims to improve the hospital management, optimizing time and reducing costs, which has a direct impact on increasing the productivity.

By keeping everything under control, it is possible to put into action plans that are properly aligned with the hospital’s budget reality, avoiding decreased revenue or even loss of equipment.

For example, by knowing how many sheets are available in the hospital, the manager will have an indication of when exactly they should acquire new ones, always maintaining the quality of care, with a focus on patient satisfaction.

Now that you know what resource management is, we will give you five tips that cannot be forgotten in your hospital.

1. Make a plan

The first tip is essential: you need to make plans for actions, as well as for everything that exists in the hospital.

To this end, carry out a survey on the amount of equipment, number of beds, employees, cash flow, financial reserve; in short, resource management starts with knowing the reality of the place.

Once this information is inserted into the software, you will have a systemic view of what you can do.

2. Set management goals

Once you know the amount of material and human resources existing in your hospital, with the respective numbers for each department, it will be possible to set management goals.

That is because the numbers help to set goals that can be achieved in a given period. As a result, the management is professionalized and has the potential for various improvements.

3. Identify the types of resources needed

A resource management checklist will provide many advantages. Among them, we can mention the identification of resources that should be acquired, maintained or eliminated.

That way, you will know which departments need more nurses, which can be reduced, and the segments that need new materials.

As a result, the hospital’s operation will follow a quality standard, preventing the lack of certain materials or their loss due to the expiration date, as in the case of medicines.

4. Set a schedule

Resource management isn’t put into practice overnight. It requires multiple processes. Thus, setting up a schedule is essential for you to not get lost in the activities.

Set specific and realistic schedules for each department, including those related to physical and human materials.

By setting goals for completing the steps, you will certainly be able to accomplish everything that is needed improve the management of the hospital.

5. Count on the help of the team

Counting on the help of the team is essential for your hospital to achieve the pre-established goals. In this regard, it is important to keep the communication objective and always focused on everyone’s well-being.

Motivate your employees and hold meetings to follow up on the results. Once again, management software is crucial to keep the reports up to date and properly monitor the performances.

As you can see, there is nothing better than always relying on technology in resource management. It is an aid that brings gains in competitiveness and greater market presence, keeping management at a level of excellence.

Are you still not familiar with our IT solutions? Then take this opportunity and contact our team right now!

Managers of large companies are always looking for smart solutions to optimize the corporation’s results, tasks and sectors. In an effort to have more reliability and automate processes, we have two options: CRM and ERP.

These systems are capable of ensuring a better development of many routine activities. However, companies have distinct needs and conditions that should be considered before making any kind of investment.

Although both offer benefits for your company, each of them has some important and unique characteristics. To learn more about the advantages and how to choose between CRM and ERP, keep reading this article.

What is ERP and what are its advantages?

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a type of management software aimed at data integration, which allows daily processes, such as billing, cash flow, purchase control, inventory, accounts, expenses and tax collection, to be carried out more efficiently.

That way, it is possible to control the information flow in a single system, allowing full management, administration and solid basis for decision-making in all sectors of the company. In addition, its main advantages are:

Issues that an ERP system can solve

The managers of an organization face many challenges, such as controlling the responsibilities of each employee, meeting deadlines and ensuring the quality of service. In this case, many problems are generated by the inaccuracy of information. An ERP system can solve many of them, such as:


What is CRM?

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a solution aimed at internal management, more precisely at strategies for sales, marketing and even customer relationship.

To that end, it works in the identification of the best strategies and in methods indicated to increase your sales, protects the company’s confidential information, and can also improve your services or products. What are the advantages of investing in this type of system? Check it out:

Issues that CRM software solves

In addition to the benefits of this tool, it helps to solve several problems, such as:

Thus, this technological solution helps to ensure strategic information so as to make the work of managers easier and avoid losses in the business.

After all, is it worth it?

Absolutely! When CRM software and ERP management systems are chosen according to the business’s needs, the company can stand out in relation to the competition and process efficiency.

In addition, this type of investment may increase the articulation capacity of your sales team, which makes the decision-making easier and allows carrying out improvements in cost reduction and marketing strategies to boost sales.


Why integrate CRM and ERP?

Integrating the finance department with the commercial sector ensures greater agility in negotiations and sales. From there, your company’s marketing team has more information from a financial point of view. Furthermore, these tools ensure efficient sales, making them faster and more dynamic.

Integrating these features also allows your team to have access to a variety of shared data. This also avoids duplicate information, reduces costs and rework, and ensures a better use of resources.

Another interesting factor is that merging CRM and ERP helps your business grow. When they don’t work together, they need to be kept up to date frequently, and any change to one of the systems creates the need to change the other. Therefore, by cross-referencing the information and with faster sales, it is possible to make more accurate decisions and strategies.

The integration of these tools also guarantees the information security in the company. That is because it is possible to unify the database and rely on CRM and ERP software that store all files in the cloud. That way, managers avoid data loss and document leakage, which are factors that harm the company and its customers.

How to do this integration efficiently?

At this point, it is essential to customize the merger between CRM and ERP. To do so, look for suppliers that customize the tool and provide systems for simple and complex implementations that handle large volumes of data.

Moreover, the company needs to invest time and money in this task. It is also important to plan these processes in order to perform all business activities as expected. To obtain more satisfactory results, a tip is to make this adaptation according to the business’s needs. That way, you can avoid problems with software and improve your team’s internal processes.


How to choose?

CRM and ERP are systems with different goals: ERP is aimed at financial control, while CRM is about consumer management. With that said, both software can be implemented in the corporation.

CRM is critical for companies in the sales industry, whether it’s products or services. As such, it is very useful at all stages of the enterprise, even in those in which the managers are already looking for improvements and growth. In turn, the ERP system is necessary for all businesses that seek efficiency in resource management.

Often, the absence of these two tools in an organization negatively impacts the business’s results. After all, the company will not have a resource that automates processes and improves earnings. As a result, it will not modernize its operations and will use outdated tools that hinder its development; thus, it runs the risk of being overtaken by competitors in the market.

Both CRM and ERP software should be seen as smart investments for your company. After all, for any type of business to stand out in the market and have a healthy growth, it is necessary to adopt strategies that improve its sales team and ensure complete control of the entire financial situation.


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Keeping a company running requires planning. Because of this, entrepreneurs dedicate a lot of time to develop studies that can help them with this mission. An example of this quest is to better understand the net working capital.

Not understanding its real importance can often lead the company to its closure. This is usually related to a lack of financial organization.

If you are not sure what this concept means, don’t worry. This article will explain what net working capital is, how to calculate it, how to prevent its deficit, and what factors affect this resource. Shall we?

What is the net working capital?

A company cannot wait for all its customers to pay their debts to keep operating, right? After all, it takes a few months to bring a return to investors after a business starts running. Even then, it has to bear the costs. During this period, what keeps the company running? The answer is: the working capital.

With this resource, it is possible for a trader to restock their store after selling almost everything, even if their customers have paid in installments, for instance.

Thus, the working capital is restricted to the amount needed to make the enterprise operate. In turn, the net working capital has an even more specific function.

It represents the assets your business has that can be turned into cash. Some examples include:

Therefore, it is a study that tends to reveal your company’s ability to continue operating, but also pay its debts.

How to calculate the net working capital?

The first step is to identify the current assets and liabilities. Current asset is an accounting term that shows all the goods a company has, in addition to all the capital it will receive in the short term (up to 12 months). This information is on the company’s balance sheet.

With it, we find the liquidity of the business. Note that each item in the current assets has its own liquidity.

Current liabilities are the part of the balance sheet that includes short-term debts (12 months). It usually refers to the payment of suppliers, taxes, financial charges, etc.

To know the amount of the current working capital, the following calculation must be made: Net Working Capital (NWC) = Current Assets (CA) – Current Liabilities (CL).

If the result of this calculation is negative, it could mean that the company will have to resort to third-party capital, such as a bank loan, in order to pay its debts.


Why is it important to know the net working capital?

The goal of an enterprise is to bring financial return to investors. That is why a company that cannot pay the bills needed for its operation will hardly be seen as a good investment.

In many cases, there is a demand for the product or service marketed, but because administrators don’t carefully study the company’s numbers, they make the wrong financial decisions.

A company needs the working capital to operate, and an entrepreneur has to know the net working capital amount in order to understand the debt capacity of a business, as this will determine the direction of investments, influence negotiations with suppliers, and reveal the liquidity of the company’s assets.

How to prevent the net working capital deficit?

Failing to control the net working capital can pose several risks to the organization. Your cash can become negative, which compromises the proper operation of the business. Therefore, it is important to prevent the deficit of these current assets in order to ensure a positive balance. To do so, it is simple. Here are some tips:

So, if you don’t want to go through financial problems, try to ensure favorable conditions for your company to have enough money left, and thus, have net working capital. This is essential to meet customer needs and keep up with market growth.

What factors affect the net working capital?

Some situations affect the net working capital positively and negatively. Therefore, it is important that they are monitored and controlled in order to ensure the organization’s financial health. Check it out!

Positively affect

If the net working capital amount is positive, the business will have cash available to pay current liabilities in the short term. Some points that benefit this process include:

Negatively affect

When the net working capital is negative, the organization will certainly not have enough funds to pay off its short-term financial expenses. Check out what negatively influences this resource:

Knowing these factors, pay attention to all the points mentioned that influence the net working capital. However, keep in mind that this current asset is not the amount of money needed for the company to operate, but the resource that verifies whether it is capable of financing itself in the short term.

Given this, it will be of little use for an enterprise to have good products, efficient marketing and an excellent team without working capital. Thus, without the health of this resource, all other efforts of the company will be jeopardized.

A tip to make the financial management easier and keep the net working capital stable is to rely on technology. Nowadays, there are several financial control software that assist in these processes, handle a large volume of data and offer the integration of the company’s sectors.

Now that you know what net working capital is, how important it is, how to prevent its deficit and what factors affect this resource, be sure to apply a strategic financial management and invest in technological tools. This will help increase your profitability, keep good process maintenance and control the company’s cash flow.

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Business Intelligence in healthcare is no longer just a choice, but a requirement if the intention is to remain competitive in the market. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to make the right decisions in short periods of time. This is only possible due to the use of data analysis tools. Taking this into account, the applications of Business Intelligence in healthcare can bring numerous benefits to the business.

They allow carrying out analyses and taking action, as they cross-reference data from different sectors of a hospital institution, helping to identify failures, risks and opportunities. To find out what the advantages of using BI in healthcare are, check out the article!

What is Business Intelligence?

Business Intelligence is a set of data processing procedures aimed at helping business managers to make the best decisions related to their enterprise. This processing is divided as follows: data collection, analysis and decision-making.

BI software is capable of performing many functions. It accesses and examines data groups, presenting results in analytical reports, graphical dashboards and maps. That way, managers are provided with detailed information on the progress of the business.

How does business intelligence help with healthcare?

The choice of tools and solutions that integrate data from different sources allows for a broad view of the healthcare unit as a whole. BI lists a variety of information needed to help with the strategy and operation of the hospital. As a result, management becomes more competent.

How does this happen? Business intelligence software helps to assess the performance of all departments in the company, finding bottlenecks in different sectors. This process contributes to the optimization of daily tasks. With more activities optimized, the time to carry them out is reduced, thus increasing the productivity.

For example, in the field of diagnostics: business intelligence tools monitor the patient’s clinical evolution, helping in the choice of the best treatment options. The results also provide a historical basis for comparing the completion of similar cases. Some advantages of BI in healthcare are:

What software is needed to implement Business Intelligence in healthcare?

For the hospital institution to remain sustainable and competitive in the market, it is necessary to carry out cost and performance evaluations. To this end, Business Intelligence programs for healthcare are essential. The data processing carried out by them gives the manager the opportunity to make the best possible decisions for the business.

Given all of this, the use of Business Intelligence software in healthcare is increasingly frequent. Therefore, consider implementing one of them in your hospital unit. It is worth remembering that MyABCM has a set of cost, profitability and performance management software that can help your business grow.

If you are interested in using Business Intelligence in healthcare, contact us!



It is possible to see the great influence of technology in human relationships and activities over the years. And in the business field, this is no different.

With the innovation of the processes involved in the management and production of an enterprise, it is clear that corporations that do not keep up with this development end up missing out on great opportunities, which may even lead to the business’s stagnation.

Always aiming to be up to date with the market demand and with new tools that have shown advantages at the present time is what defines a successful company.

Within this topic, we can mention the mobile software as an example of successful innovation. It can be accessed on tablets and smartphones and allows managing costs in the company with greater mobility.

For you to know about the importance of this tool, we have prepared this post with its main benefits. Read on!

High productivity

The first advantage provided by the use of mobile software is high productivity. This is possible thanks to the ability of these resources to offer greater automation of activities and tasks, in addition to a more effective organization of processes. Thus, the business’s productivity is ensured as the demand of the activities is optimized.

Improved communication

Mobile software also improves communication. With this technology, it is possible to send instant notifications in a shorter time to all technicians or production teams in the company.

In practice, having a mobile application prevents professionals from having to move around to pass on information or make any changes to certain processes. Furthermore, this advantage also ensures that the company reduces interpretation errors, as all data is stored in the software.

Greater commitment

By using mobile software, it is also possible to direct, in a simple and practical way, the role of each professional in the company and the tasks and goals to be fulfilled.

All production and performance data is stored in the system, which encourages employees to be more committed to their work. Thus, this type of tool improves engagement and promotes the effective participation of the entire team.

Data reliability

Finally, a great advantage achieved by the system is the greater reliability of data and information. That is because, by recording the condition of the work carried out – as well as variables, production numbers and other content related to the company –, there is greater security in data processing.

This helps to eliminate various problems, such as misinformation and poor accuracy when reporting on the progress of the institution’s internal processes.

These are the main advantages guaranteed by mobile software. You can see how this tool can provide countless benefits for your company, can’t you?

That is why it is very important to look for partners that have quality solutions that are compatible with your needs. This is the case of My ABCM, which offers MyABCM Corporate, a software capable of carrying out important functions in your business and that provides several benefits.

Did you like the article and want to know more about our services? Then contact us and talk to one of our consultants!

Healthcare data security is a very important issue and should be prioritized by managers. After all, this sector, like many others, collects and stores a large amount of information from patients and the institution itself.

Furthermore, this protection is a right of all people, especially in this area where data are more sensitive. When there is no investment in it, the company is vulnerable to hacker attacks, information leaks, among other risks.

Therefore, we’ve listed some tips to help you improve the healthcare data security. Read on!

1. Use encryption

Encryption is a mechanism used to mask information, making them unreadable. This practice is essential for protecting digital documents, electronic medical records, messages, confidential files, patients’ tests, etc.

With an encryption system, it is possible to convert data into indecipherable codes, which can only be viewed by authorized persons. That way, you ensure the security of healthcare data and avoid risks for your institution.

2. Take care of user access

Another way to protect information is to limit users’ access to documents and files in the system. By doing so, it is possible to allow only the right professionals in each sector to see the data. For example, a physician does not need access to financial data, and the person responsible for controlling finances does not need to see patients’ tests.

3. Keep the system protected

Including tools such as antivirus and firewall are important methods that help ensure the healthcare data security. Therefore, invest in resources that block threats to your internet network and computers, and always keep programs and systems up to date.

Also, block malicious links and other access that can damage the information that are stored on your computer.

4. Count on technology

Using software that collect and store a large amount of information in the cloud is critical to protect the healthcare data. After all, this resource uses an online server, on which professionals can access data whenever and wherever they want.

This feature, in addition to being more practical, is completely secure. This is because if something happens to your computer, your data will not be affected, as they do not depend on this instrument to be accessed.

Furthermore, technology is a tool that helps healthcare institutions to adapt to the General Data Protection Law (LGPD, in the Portuguese acronym). Its rules set requirements that provide security to doctors and patients. Thus, having data management software increases the care of your company’s files, speeds up processes, improves the financial management and reduces costs.

Now that you know some tips for healthcare data security, put them into practice to improve and protect your organization. That way, it is possible to offer a safe service to patients, ensuring their satisfaction and reducing losses in case of document theft.

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For a company to do well and achieve a good position in the services market, it is necessary to seek new ways to evolve its processes and ensure the good performance of internal activities.

Among the areas of the company that require attention, one of the main ones is the finance department. This is because it is responsible for ensuring the balance between the investments, expenses and earnings of the business, enabling the institution’s sustainability.

For this reason, the leaders should know about some topics that involve this area, such as the control of accounts payable and receivable. This measure enables generating a greater security when carrying out new projects, always allowing the enterprise’s financial health to be maintained.

If you still haven’t learned about this topic, we have prepared this article with the 4 best tips on how to do this management. Read on!

1. Record each transaction

The first tip for you to be able to carry out a good control of accounts payable and receivable is to record each transaction.

In the case of accounts payable, it is possible to find direct expenses, which refer to expenses with labor, raw material and sales commissions. In addition to these, we have the fixed bills, which refer to salaries, water and electricity bills, and accountant’s salary, among others.

As for accounts receivable, they are related to revenues from products and services. The record should also include future receipts or amounts that the company is yet to obtain.

2. Track records monthly

You should also track the records monthly. For this to be done in an organized way, it will be necessary to use some tools, such as the famous spreadsheets, which help in scheduling the frequency of records.

By studying the data and information collected, it is possible to create an analysis of financial processes and compile the results month by month. That way, it is possible to know if the number of accounts is decreasing or increasing and how much revenue was spent by the company.

3. Negotiate the accounts

For both accounts payable and receivable, there is the possibility of seeking their negotiation. This can be a great strategy if your company does not have the revenue needed to pay off some of the business’ debts, for example.

Through some negotiation resources, such as the use of loans, it is possible to maintain the enterprise’s sustainability.

4. Search for automation software

The use of technologies has become quite recurrent nowadays. This is due to the numerous benefits provided by these resources, such as process optimization and increased productivity of employees.

Following this idea, automating the accounts payable and receivable control activities is a good way to ensure information security and allow data to be stored and processed strategically and productively.

If you want to carry out this deployment, don’t forget to understand what your company’s demand is. Moreover, relying on partners that have the expertise in this segment is essential, as is the case of companies that offer management software.

These were the main tips on how to control accounts payable and receivable. By putting them into practice, you will realize how important they are to ensure the stability and success of the financial sector of your segment.

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Technology is present in all sectors of society and has been helping companies to achieve better results, with a reduction in costs. Therefore, the installation of medical software is essential in hospitals and clinics. With it, it is possible to obtain many advantages in management.

But for you to choose the ideal one, according to your demands and infrastructure, you need to follow some tips, like the ones we will show you throughout this post.

Understand the importance of medical software

Imagine filling out medical appointments on paper, writing charts with pens, and filing documents in physical folders.

In addition to the delay in procedures, there would be an increase in costs and many security risks, not to mention even jeopardizing diagnoses.

By installing medical software, your hospital or clinic will invest in automation, being able to count on online appointments and have access to the status of customers, with all the contact information.

Thus, organization becomes a fact. Another advantage is the electronic medical record, allocating each patient’s information quickly.

As a result, the procedures are done with more quality, increasing efficiency, as the patient data can be consulted in real time, which means that numerous types of errors are avoided. But to choose the ideal software, you need to follow some tips.

Here are some that we have specially selected for your clinic or hospital.

Choose a company with credibility

When choosing an Information Technology (IT) service provider, the ideal is to choose a company that has experience in software management.

After all, this is a considerable investment that requires a system that is well-functioning and focused on the reality of your hospital.

Therefore, research the company’s history and consult with other customers to certify its reputation.

Observe the software interface

The interface is the users’ experience, which means it needs to be easy to understand for employees to adapt quickly.

With that in mind, run tests with the medical software and check if the navigation is smooth, if there are buttons that make the operations easier and the features needed for a hospital or clinic, such as electronic medical record, medical appointments, finances, inventory and registration, among others.

Analyze the security

Data security is critical. The software also needs to be stable and have good servers in order to avoid errors at any some point of the day.

As a lot of important patient information is entered into the system, keeping it confidential is essential.

Therefore, in your medical software analysis, you should pay careful attention to operational security.

Support offered

Throughout its use, it is common for users to have doubts and need some changes from time to time.

There is nothing better than adequate support for everything to work smoothly. Therefore, check if the service provider offers a technical team to solve some issues. Ideally, the support should be 24 hours.

That is because hospitals and clinics operate full time and need special attention with regard to IT.

Variety of plans

As each customer has a different reality, you should have a variety of plans in order to choose the ideal one, such as storage capacity, support, features, etc.

Thus, check if the company has this diversity. By following our tips, the chosen medical software will certainly be the ideal one for your company, reducing costs by using technology.

Do you want to improve results in your hospital or clinic? Then contact our team and learn about our plans!

With the purpose of evaluating numerous procedures, hospital audit, which has a direct impact on quality control, is a highly positive practice that cannot be ignored in the routine of managers. This audit goes beyond traditional factors such as finance, accounting and tax.

So that you can understand the countless possibilities and benefits, we created this post with very important. Check it out!

Hospital audit: see how it works

Hospital audit is understood as procedures that help to improve management in all sectors, with a focus on previously defined strategies. All of this is done with the help of technology.

It can be internal or external and takes place at pre-determined periods or continuously.

In general, the hospital audit does a kind of X-ray, outlining the positive and negative points. That way, the manager can make more accurate decisions, always focusing on reducing costs, increasing productivity and optimizing time.

To arrive at the results, auditors carry out different types of analyses, mainly using indicators that present information about many factors, from finances to emergency care.

As a hospital involves a series of procedures and sectors, there are some types of audits, as we will show you now.


This hospital audit always takes place in advance, as the name suggests. With it, it is possible to review all the steps of the procedures that should be implemented.

By analyzing them, the manager can see whether or not they meet the needs of the hospital. We can mention as an example the installation of medical software.

Before purchasing it, the hospital will carry out a preventive audit to see if the system will meet the needs with the features offered.


The analytical audit makes a complete analysis of the hospital or clinic, accurately presenting the main bottlenecks and strengths and designating strategies for new investments that can improve processes.

The idea goes beyond collecting information, as it also involves the study of situations with their respective risks and business opportunities.


As the name says, the operational audit is aimed at the daily life of a hospital. It focuses on the steps of service, as well as the beds provided.

The idea is to always improve the quality of care, avoiding problems that could interfere with management, such as the loss of a health insurance plan or a drop in private care.


The account audit makes corrections in the amounts that will be sent to the patient or health care provider, in order to avoid undue charges.

It also analyzes possible irregularities in the accounts, such as the amounts in medications, hospitalizations, etc.

Learn about the main benefits of hospital auditing

By monitoring the practices carried out, the auditor contributes to all sectors of a hospital or clinic, having a direct impact on the progress of management.

With the hospital audit, it is possible to improve the quality of services and care, in addition to standardizing procedures; as a result, the accounts are balanced.

For everything to happen in a harmonious way, a good tip is to have management software.

That way, it is also possible to always keep up-to-date with accounts, with reports on the performance of different sectors, which promotes the hospital’s full development.

In addition to the advantages mentioned above, we should highlight that hospital audits reduce costs, improve the relationship with patients and increase the level of competitiveness.

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