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Entel, a leading technology and telecommunications company, is transforming its cost management with the assistance of MyABCM. The organization, with operations in Chile and Peru, is renowned for its more than 20 million mobile subscribers and an extensive fiber optic infrastructure spanning approximately 11,000 kilometers, ensuring the continuity of interurban and international communications in both countries.

Challenges of Accelerated Development in Modern Telecommunications:

With the growing expansion of its services, technologies, and coverage areas in recent years, Entel has faced significant challenges. Managing an increasingly vast volume of cost information became essential, as well as providing an integrated and agile view of this data for relevant departments and decision-makers.

In response to this need, the company sought a solution capable of optimizing cost management and enhancing the traceability of cost information across its various activities.

Flexibility and Speed with Data Accuracy in MyABCM:

The solution came in the form of MyABCM, chosen by Entel for meeting its specific needs. Firstly, it offered the ability to trace costs to the most granular levels, providing a detailed view of cost sources in all company operations, linking them to relevant service revenues and offering a precise visualization of the organization’s cost structure.

Furthermore, the tool provided users with the autonomy to explore and use its functionalities. This reduced dependence on external support and facilitated integration with other technologies used by the organization.

Another benefit of MyABCM was the agility in consolidating data and generating reports. With it, Entel accelerated the processing of analyses and data availability, making access to information faster and more efficient. This provided a clear and immediate view of costs, enabling more informed and agile decision-making.

MyABCM also brought greater transparency and reliability to the obtained data. The solution eliminated dependence on spreadsheets and ensured the integrity of cost information, essential for effective management.

By centralizing cost information and reducing the time needed for analysis issuance, Entel gained greater autonomy in operating its cost model and obtaining analyses. With the support of MyABCM, the company is charting a successful path in cost management and making strategic decisions for the future of telecommunications in its coverage region.

Extended Planning & Analysis (xP&A) is an evolution of the traditional FP&A, widely known and employed in organizations. In a scenario where technologies have developed to the point of allowing the collection, relationship, and integration of large amounts of data, this deployment of analysis and financial planning is an expected phenomenon.

After all, why ignore departments whose activities impact the financial results of the business, if it is now possible to understand how their actions at a specific level have repercussions on the overall picture of the company?

Want to understand better? Then continue reading to learn about xP&A!

What is xP&A?

The simplest definition is that xP&A is an FP&A that broadens the view of the financial sector. And as we have already mentioned, it is a natural result of the advance in management software, which is now able to fluidly interrelate information from all sectors of a business.

In other words, the xP&A differential is the proposal to centralize the data from the company’s various departments and manage them in a single interface. It allows the different cost centers of a business to be identified and correctly considered in the organization’s financial analyses.

Why Adopt xP&A?

xP&A fills a very important gap: it uncovers costs that in other analysis models remain hidden. Read more about overhead costs and hidden costs and their dangers here.

When integrating the needs and operations of the different sectors of the company, it is easy to create information silos that isolate departmental data and prevent the finance team from understanding its origins and validating its acuity. With tools that allow the organization to adopt xP&A, managers can observe how the various sectors (marketing, human resources, distribution, production, technology, research, etc.) contribute to the generation of costs and results.

In short: xP&A creates a real map of the inflow and outflow of resources within the organization.

Main xP&A Benefits:

  1. Holistic view of financial performance

xP&A allows the visualization of costs and financial allocations at the sector level. As such, it allows the identification of cost sources and bottlenecks, improving the decision-making process regarding the application of resources.

  1. Harmonization of data

Here we are talking about a unification of data within the company. Financial, sales, marketing, HR, etc. All within the same platform with a unified model in data collection and presentation, making the information more consistent and reliable.

  1. Advance in business alignment

By connecting information, xP&A opens the door for the creation of integrated planning. This way, we have the company working more like a uniform gear, where everything is connected and working coordinated.

  1. Agility

Companies that adopt xP&A can have much more agility when it comes to planning and projections. This impacts all niches, but especially those that deal with greater economic uncertainty and volatility.

  1. More accurate forecasting

Visualizing the origins of costs and the way resources flow through the organizational structure guarantees much more predictability regarding the results and the impacts of actions.

  1. Facilitating the identification of opportunities and risks

This last benefit is the result of the union of all the others. Thanks to all the visibility promoted by xP&A, decision-makers can be more efficient in seeing improvements, opportunities, and risks. Scenario modeling can simulate situations and anticipate changes, preparing the company to act strategically.

However, one must keep in mind that not just any software is suited for the adoption of xP&A. Traditional ERPs, as well as less sophisticated accounting systems and financial solutions, traditionally are not able to integrate information at such a detailed level.

To obtain all the benefits of this methodology, it is indispensable to count on a solution that can manage and update in real time a high volume of information, as well as collect data from the various sources fed by each department.

MyABCM was tailored to provide this level of detail in the analysis, in a flexible model that adapts to the most diverse segments and business models.

Want to know more about MyABCM? Contact our consultants using the form below.

In case you’ve just stumbled in here, read our full article that explains how the ABC costing method works by clicking here.

Let’s recapitulate some trivial points that underlie “Activity-Based Costing”.

If you are already familiar with the term, let’s go ahead and discuss why ABC (activity-based costing) has the power to increase your profitability.

What is the main objective of the ABC method?

Let’s get right to the point.

The focus of the ABC method is to have maximum control over the indirect costs (also called overhead) as well as the direct costs associated with a product, service, customer, or channel.

Through a costing system using drivers that respect a cause-and-effect relationship and aiming to bring an advanced analysis of the costs per activity within the operation.

And with this dense range of data, intelligently filter the numbers and transform them into strategic decisions. 

Data-driven decision making

The first step comes from what we call “data-driven culture”.

This is the natural habit of ALWAYS making decisions based on collected data and not on a gut feeling.

It all starts by identifying the main KPIs (key performance indicators), which are our key performance indicators.

Do I need KPIs?

If you intend to make decisions based on data and not just intuition, yes.

Performance indicators make it possible to measure how much a strategy is generating the expected result or not.

It is important to mention that KPIs are always measurable and concrete.

My data is not conclusive, now what?

Analyzing data is something automatic in large companies, however, not always creating strategies and defining next steps is provided by a study on top of what has already been collected and digested.

The ABC costing method is useful for companies that already have this data-driven culture and are looking for optimizations through detailed data analysis.

The more knowledge you have about how much and where your resources are being spent, the more precise your improvements associated with cost management will be.

And that is what we at MyABCM offer.


The ABC method results in an advanced costing analysis based on each activity involved in producing some product, providing some service, or serving some customer or channel.

This is where pricing comes in.

One of the biggest challenges within a business can be made easier by applying the ABC method.

Keep in mind that failing to calculate your total costs can result in sub-optimal pricing, resulting in an unfavorable profit margin for the company.

With all the control of segmented expenses in the palm of your hand, pricing becomes clearer and effectively correct. The consequence of this is the real impact on negotiations with customers, discount policies and commissioning of salespeople, resulting in the end in greater profit for the company!

ABC Advantages:

1. Reliable and accurate data throughout the value chain

The option of being able to precisely manage all the organization’s costs. This opens up the possibility of making more assertive decisions about where to act to reduce costs, invest, and even serve the best channels and customers from a profitability standpoint.

2. Associate overhead costs with the products, services, channels, and clients that actually consume it

Instead of associating the same cost to all products, services, customers, and channels, you can allocate the fair value consumed by each.

This also helps identify costs that apply to more than one segment, making this feature more valuable because it potentially eliminates distortions in cost calculations.

3. Evaluate production efficiency and apply improvements

The ABC method makes it possible to assign value to overhead costs by working the data as if it were direct costs. By breaking down overhead costs and assigning them by activity, we can look for breakthroughs with precision.

In the same way, we can make processes more efficient and correctly monitor the key KPIs for each activity in the organization.

4. Accurate data to obtain the desired profit margin

Having accurate data will directly impact a leader’s decision making. It opens up the possibility to reduce or shift production costs and apply effective pricing strategies to obtain an adequate profit margin.

5. Unique Benefits

Other methods cannot cover what the ABC costing method provides.

Directly related to the particularity of activity-based costing, it can measure expenses related to activities, however small they may be.

How do I know if I should use an ABC system?

All the questions below must be answered with a yes.

Then you are prepared.

To be clear, there are not only advantages.

But it is the solution to a number of complex problems for those seeking cost optimization through a robust system.

After you have finished reading this post, you certainly have the clear answers as to how ABC cost management can increase your profits.

The routine of a hospital involves different departments with very different demands; in other words, the management of resources must be impeccable, and done always with the help of technology. After all, it is necessary to implement several processes in order to identify, acquire and manage everything that is required in the day-to-day operations.

So that you can always keep the resources well organized, we will give you some essential tips in this post. Check it out!

Understand what resource management is

Resource management is a way for the manager to account for everything that exists within a hospital, having a thorough control of equipment, supplies, raw materials, human resources, etc.

In general, it is an operational organization, inserting into the software all the property specifications, including data that help in new acquisitions and management.

As a result, waste is avoided and there is a better use of materials, whether physical or the team’s.

Resource management aims to improve the hospital management, optimizing time and reducing costs, which has a direct impact on increasing the productivity.

By keeping everything under control, it is possible to put into action plans that are properly aligned with the hospital’s budget reality, avoiding decreased revenue or even loss of equipment.

For example, by knowing how many sheets are available in the hospital, the manager will have an indication of when exactly they should acquire new ones, always maintaining the quality of care, with a focus on patient satisfaction.

Now that you know what resource management is, we will give you five tips that cannot be forgotten in your hospital.

1. Make a plan

The first tip is essential: you need to make plans for actions, as well as for everything that exists in the hospital.

To this end, carry out a survey on the amount of equipment, number of beds, employees, cash flow, financial reserve; in short, resource management starts with knowing the reality of the place.

Once this information is inserted into the software, you will have a systemic view of what you can do.

2. Set management goals

Once you know the amount of material and human resources existing in your hospital, with the respective numbers for each department, it will be possible to set management goals.

That is because the numbers help to set goals that can be achieved in a given period. As a result, the management is professionalized and has the potential for various improvements.

3. Identify the types of resources needed

A resource management checklist will provide many advantages. Among them, we can mention the identification of resources that should be acquired, maintained or eliminated.

That way, you will know which departments need more nurses, which can be reduced, and the segments that need new materials.

As a result, the hospital’s operation will follow a quality standard, preventing the lack of certain materials or their loss due to the expiration date, as in the case of medicines.

4. Set a schedule

Resource management isn’t put into practice overnight. It requires multiple processes. Thus, setting up a schedule is essential for you to not get lost in the activities.

Set specific and realistic schedules for each department, including those related to physical and human materials.

By setting goals for completing the steps, you will certainly be able to accomplish everything that is needed improve the management of the hospital.

5. Count on the help of the team

Counting on the help of the team is essential for your hospital to achieve the pre-established goals. In this regard, it is important to keep the communication objective and always focused on everyone’s well-being.

Motivate your employees and hold meetings to follow up on the results. Once again, management software is crucial to keep the reports up to date and properly monitor the performances.

As you can see, there is nothing better than always relying on technology in resource management. It is an aid that brings gains in competitiveness and greater market presence, keeping management at a level of excellence.

Are you still not familiar with our IT solutions? Then take this opportunity and contact our team right now!

What is telehealth? In short, it is another technological advance that emerged with the purpose of offering more convenience to both physicians and patients. Boosted by the advance of the COVID-19 pandemic, this type of service is increasingly on the rise.

When used wisely, telehealth can become a very valuable resource, as it makes it possible to reach more clients, delivering a quality service. If you want to know how telehealth works and what its advantages are, keep reading!

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth is a trend in telemedicine. It is an application that allows the exchange of information between the doctor (and other health professionals) and the patient by video calls.

Thus, this service has multiple functions such as basic clinical appointment, checking test results, providing accurate diagnoses, transferring knowledge between specialists, and prescribing medications.

Through Telehealth, a patient can make an appointment with a physician without having to go to a clinic or hospital. This possibility allows obtaining medical care, in real time or asynchronously, in situations where this would be difficult.

What are the types of telehealth?

This kind of remote care service can be classified into two types, each one with its characteristics and benefits. To learn more about them, check out below!

Synchronous telehealth

Synchronous telehealth is defined as a service in which the physician sees the patient in real time. In this situation, the appointment has to be scheduled and the client can quickly access the diagnosis, so that they can ask questions and receive answers immediately.

It is the procedure that is most similar to the already known face-to-face appointments. It can be done by videoconferences, voice calls and message exchanges, although this last option is not considered very efficient.

Asynchronous telehealth

On the other hand, asynchronous telehealth is characterized by the fact that the service is not provided live. The hospital or clinic sends questionnaires and forms to the patient, who sends them back to the physician. This procedure is indicated for non-urgent cases – those that do not need direct interaction between the professional and the client.

What are the advantages of telehealth?

This new form of care is a technological innovation that is changing the traditional way healthcare professionals and patients meet. Although some experts are wary of these transformations, it is important to know and keep up to date about them. Check out some advantages of implementing telehealth:

By reducing the distance between healthcare specialists and patients, this form of remote service allows providing care to more people, so as to increase the potential practice of the professionals involved. Therefore, knowing about telehealth is essential for the smooth running of the businesses.

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